Never again- 6k words

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"This bag is so bloody heavy..." Niall groaned as he lifted his bag out of the boot. The minute he swung it up onto his shoulder it was hurting.
Louis laughed, "well maybe if you hadn't brought your entire wardrobe."
"I didn't!" Niall protested, adjusting the strap to try and decrease the sharpness of it.
"You did" Harry grinned as he got out of the drivers seat.
"It's just shoes" Niall whined, rolling his eyes. He really hasn't brought his entire wardrobe. The lads were over  exaggerating.
"Whatever you say" Liam joined in as he hoisted his backpack on. It was tiny, if anything he had under packed. While the others had brought clothes for everyday, pyjamas, he'd figured he would just wear the same clothes a couple of times before changing, and just sleep in whatever he was wearing. It meant a much lighter bag and a lot more comfort.

He'd done camping before, he knew well enough that after the first day what you looked like hardly mattered.

They had two weeks off and after a lot of thought surrounding how in the world they were going to spend their time off they'd decided to do a week in tents. Louis didn't know why he'd gone along with it, now that he was literally in a carpark in the middle of nowhere he wasn't at all keen. Every time he'd gone camping the weather had always turned to shit on him, no matter what time of the year it was and he wasn't a fan of being drenched in rain 24/7.

Harry glanced around the empty car park curiously. Liam had said that it was usually packed, that heaps of other people were always set up here but he couldn't see any sign of life anywhere.

"Oi Li, where's everyone else?" He asked as he unloaded the tents from the boot and threw the sleeping bags out onto the sharp gravel.

Liam grinned sheepishly, "there's a bit of a trek from here."

Niall groaned. Trees totally surrounded them, the only way to go was in and his bag was killing his shoulder already. "How far?"

"About forty five minutes" Liam replied as he picked up his gear.

Louis looked up at the sky, "wanna bet it's gonna start pissing down on the way."

Liam pulled a confused face. There wasn't a single cloud in sight.

Louis waved a hand before he could ask, "don't ask, I just know."

"I guess we might as well get started then" Harry shut the boot and locked the car, hiding the keys in his pocket afterwards. A walk through the forestry didn't sound so bad to him. They'd been working so hard recently, in and out of big cities all around the world, a stroll through nature as cliche as it sounded would probably be good for them all he figured.

"You could have warned us about the walk Li" Niall complained as the group started towards the gap in the trees.

"If I'd told you would you have come, you lazy little shit?" Liam nudged Niall playfully, knowing full well that the light push would be enough to make him stumble under the weight of his bags.

"Bully" Niall rolled his eyes, chewing his lip to hide his smile.

Louis frowned down at his stomach as he followed Harry down the muddy path. It felt kind of weird. He'd made sure to eat enough breakfast to keep his hunger under control, and he'd done his business in the bathroom before he'd left in the hopes to hold off having to shit in some bush so it wasn't either of those things. He took a breath and felt it settle a bit. Maybe it was just some kind of weird nerves or something, he was going into the forest for a week, without service.

He shrugged it off carelessly. The slight shake to his hands meant that he probably hadn't eaten as much breakfast as he thought he had.

After ten minutes or so of dragging feet and complaining they ended up singing as they tramped through the trees. The walk was a bit more difficult than Liam had thought, it was only something he'd been recommended to try. There was a bit of climbing involved, and he felt bad watching Niall struggle.

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