Everyone sick part one and two

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So... I had an idea for this part and it was coming along pretty damn nicely if I do say so myself. As in 3500 words nicely (I was going to split it up into parts don't worry). Anyway, I do all my writing on word and my laptop seems to hate my guts. It's full of viruses and it's getting old, the screen has problems connecting sometime and it often runs into 'PC problems'. It's nothing new. Usually when this happens word auto-saves what I've been working on and just this time it decided not to! 3500 fricking words! Argh, it makes me want to just scream.

So now I'm going to do all my writing on Wattpad for safety reasons. I do not plan on losing the rewrite version I'm going to write now. Never again. Enjoy :)


You met stares with your gorgeous boyfriend and the corners of your lips turned up uncontrollably as he sent you a sleepy grin. "G'morning Beautiful," he greeted, and you felt like you could just melt into the sheets.
"Good morning to you too Harry, if it's even still morning." You curled into the duvets with a content sigh.

You and the band had traveled up to the holiday house just yesterday. The drive had been horrendously long, just over five hours but it was definitely worth it when you got there. Let's just say that their little holiday house was probably five times bigger than the house you grew up in. Everyone had been tired after the drive and had pretty much crashed straight away, not even bothering with dinner. That was probably the reason why your stomach was growling so loudly. A blush to creep onto your face. Harry just chuckled and pulled you close in one swift motion.

"You hungry Babe?" he said huskily.

You twirled out of his grasp and rolled out of the bed before whipping open the curtains and letting the sunlight wake up the room, "starving." Harry hissed and recoiled into the pillows and you rolled your eyes in amusement as you made your way to the shower. As you were about to close the door you peeked your head out and smirked at Harry, "care to join?"

After a very steamy shower the two of you headed out to the kitchen where Louis was whipping up a batch of his famous pancakes. 

"Morning, love-birds!" Louis chirped lightly. Harry sat down at the barstool and you took your seat on his lap comfortably. Louis flung a pancake at you suddenly and your mouth dropped open as it landed right in the middle of your plate.

You looked at him, wide-eyed, "how did you do that?"

"Magic." He turned around briefly just to wink at you and you laughed as a pancake landed on Harry's plate.

"You're gonna have to teach me how to that." You said as you drowned your pancake in golden syrup, barely leaving any left in the bottle. Liam shuffled in at the moment, still rubbing sleep out of his eyes.

"Hey Liam!" Harry said through a mouthful of pancake.

He looked as if he was only just managing to keep his eyes open. He sat down next to Harry and  Louis flipped a pancake his way. He simply nodded in thanks and dug in, pretty much shoveling the whole thing into his gob. Then his head shot up and and his eyes sparkled.

"Was there weed in that pancake or something?" Harry raised an amused brow.

"No! Can we go to the waterhole today?" Liam asked loudly, barely containing his excitement.
"I wanna go to the waterhole!" Louis almost dropped his spatula thingy as he began jumping up and down like a child. You glanced around at everyone, grinning and trying not to laugh at their antics.

"We haven't been there for ages!" Harry began jiggling his knee underneath you.
"Where is it?" You asked curiously, wondering why they all seemed so excited about it.

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