Harry sick

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"Ah! Louis!" Niall shrieked as a piece of seaweed hit his bare chest, sticking to his sun-blocked skin. He peeled it off and threw it back at Louis who laughed loudly and leaped out of the way. The straggly piece of seaweed hit the sand uselessly.

"I'm gonna get ya Tommo!" 

Niall scooped up another lot of seaweed off the beach. As the two of them raced off, Liam stuck a leg out cheekily from his spot on the golden sand and Louis tripped, falling face first into the sand. 

He lifted his head and spat the sand out of his mouth, blinking it off his eyelashes and out of his eyes.

Niall took his chance and stuffed the seaweed down his friends pants while he was down before cackling hysterically and darting away before Louis could get grab his legs or sweep them out from underneath him.

Louis laid the side of face on the sand and pouted, most likely scorching his skin off. 

"There's seaweed in my pants," he said blankly.

Liam laughed. On his other side Harry chuckled quietly. He had been trying to act like his usual goofy self for a few days now while his health slowly declined. What had started off as a light sniffle had become a continuous headache and a completely stuffed up nose. It was a stupid cold, considering that they were in Australia on holiday and even though it was autumn there wasn't any lack of warmth. 

He didn't need help looking after himself, he had it under control as far as he was concerned and there was stuff everyone wanted to do, he didn't want to ruin everything so he kept it to himself. It was just a cold, he'd survive.

They were on a private beach now, nothing but them and the water. And the seaweed in Louis' pants. They'd rented out the beachfront house just behind them for a couple of weeks and so far they'd had an amazing time.

Harry stifled a sneeze into his wrist and the pain in his head spiked for a second. Nobody noticed though, and he was thankful.

Niall ran back then, sand kicking up with each footstep.

"Hey, I'm gonna go in the w-" he stopped mid sentence and pulled a face. 

"There's sand in my eye." 

His eyes started watering as he tried to blink it away.

 Louis smirked and finally made a move to get the seaweed out of his swim shorts, "Karma's a bitch huh Ni?"

 Niall shot him a playful glare, his eyes now sand free.

"As I was trying to say, I'm going in the water now, and you lads are coming with."

 He grinned and tossed his sunglasses onto the pile of towels.

"And why must we come with you?" Liam asked, obviously enjoying winding the boy up.

"Yeah Ni, you're a big boy," Louis teased. 

Niall rolled his eyes, not falling for it for even a second.

"Just come on, it's no fun by myself." 

Liam stood up with a sigh, taking his singlet off as he went.

"Fine. . .race you there!" 

Then he took off towards the water, Niall chasing after him. Louis shook the remaining seaweed from his pants and grinned down at Harry.

"What about you mate, fancy a race to the water?"
Harry forced a smile. 

"You're on."

He sounded a bit congested but Louis either didn't notice or didn't care. Harry was only just keeping himself from shivering sitting on the beach in 24 degree heat and didn't really want to go in the cold water but he couldn't say no, not to Louis.

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