hopelessdirectioner9's winner request:

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And this here is a fast tracked request for hopelessdirectioner9! Enjoy!

"Lou... Just open your eyes for one minute and then you can go back to sleep if you want baby... Come on..."
Amelia giggled and whacked Louis' chest gently, "open them big sparkly eyes sleepy!"
Louis grumbled but a giveaway smirk was spreading across his features. However his eyes remained firmly closed.

"Too tired..." He slurred, his hands reaching out to grab Amelia. She ducked away from his grip, knowing that once he got hold of her it would be impossible to get away again.

"Fine, lazy bum" Amelia rolled her eyes, "I just wanted to let you know that I was leaving for work, and remind you that you're here with Tyler."
"Wai- wha?" Louis yawned.
Amelia raised an eyebrow, "your son?"
Louis opened one eye to slit just to glare at his wife, "I know that much, thanks Lia."
"That's about all you know apparently, he's sick remember?"
Louis grunted as the memory came back, "ahhhhh...right..."
"Dummy" Amelia teased. She pecked him on the lips lightly and straightened up, brushing the fluff off her work uniform.
"Bye babe, have a good day..." Louis rolled over, snuggling back into his pillows.

Amelia sighed to herself as she left the room. She knew Louis would be up and about soon, no matter how sleepy he was acting. He would never leave his sick eight year old son to fend for himself.

The poked her head into the twins bedroom to make sure everything was still okay with Tyler. The poor kid was sound asleep, snoring uncharacteristically. He'd been sick for most of the day before and it had tired him out completely. Amelia hoped Louis wouldn't have too much of a hard time with him. She quietly tiptoed inside and kissed his forehead before leaving, grabbing her bag and her shoes on the way out the front door. She'd swap her slippers for her shoes only just before she went into work, just like always.

Back in the bedroom Louis was wondering how long it would be before he could whip up the courage to get out of bed. Little voices in his head were cheering him on enthusiastically, reminding him of the day he was going to spend with his son and the nice warm weather. However Louis was still struggling to find the motivation to even move a muscle.
In the end he just cleared his mind and did it, swung his legs over the side of the mattress and vaulted onto his feet. He grumbled and swore about the headache he'd woken up with as he trekked down stairs to make himself some toast for breakfast. He put his own to pieces in and then upon noticing the other two empty slots decided to go wake Tyler and see if he was up too food. He'd been up once in the night to empty his stomach so Louis had no doubt he was hungry.

He went all the way back up the stairs and then crept into Tyler's bedroom.
"Hey buddy..." Louis whispered as he gently moved Tyler's dark fringe out of his face.
Tyler opened his eyes wearily and blinked a few times until he could make out his Dad standing by his bedside.
"How're you feeling this morning?"

Tyler honestly couldn't remember a time where he'd felt worse in his life. He'd never been sick like this before, his Mum told him it was the stomach flu but he didn't know anything about that except that it made his belly come up his throat, which hurt a lot.
He felt sweaty under his duvet so he kicked it off and instead got out of bed to cuddle into his Dad before responding sadly, "still sick."

Louis rubbed his back comfortingly, "that's okay Ty, you're staying at home with me today so we can just rest until you feel better."
Tyler nodded and rubbed his tummy where it had been hurting since he'd opened his eyes. Louis took his hand and lead him slowly out of the room. At the stairs he decided he'd just carry his son, just to be careful. Tyler was kind of tall for his age which made the whole thing a bit awkward but thankfully they got to the bottom of the stairs without any dropped children. Louis sighed in relief when they reached the bottom step, Amelia would have killed him if he had actually dropped Tyler.

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