Food poisoning parts one and two- for samanthawill27

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I woke up and I was starving.

It was the very first thing I noticed, the almost painful grumbling in the empty pit of my stomach as I stretched in the morning light seeping into my hotel room. I'd had a quick snack before last nights concert, a plate of roast potatoes and meat from the buffet downstairs, but I had pretty much crashed the second I got back last night before managing to squeeze in dinner.

According to my phone it was ten a clock now, so I had more than enough reason to be hungry.

I turned and threw myself out of bed, my knees cracking as I rocked to get my balance. My eyes closed for a second, a small smile spreading across my cheeks as I felt the warm sun heating up my bare back. Nothing beat a sunny day.

I shook the other bed in the room, "get up!"

A head of curls peeked out the top of the massive white duvet and I grinned, tugging the rest of the coverage away.

"Liam" Harry groaned playfully, holding his hands up in a 'what the fuck' gesture. He smiled at the sun like I had, "hmmm, that's so nice..." he hummed appreciatively as the beams of light played in his eyes.

I grabbed his arm and yanked him up out of bed, "come on, let's go get breakfast."

"Do you think you can give me two seconds to put some clothes on first?" Harry laughed, pulling to a stop. I turned back to see him standing behind me in a pair of briefs.

I laughed, "I suppose you can have two seconds."

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Harry asked curiously as he wondered back over to the wardrobe and began sifting through the hangers.

"Slept well I guess, sun's out. What reason is there to be grumpy?" I replied with a shrug. I glanced down at my bare chest and realised that I should probably change too. I hurriedly pulled on a singlet and a pair of shorts, finishing before Harry had even begun.

Louis was out in the main room, lounged across the couch and staring at the ceiling.

"You gonna come down for something to eat with Harry and I?" I questioned as I strolled past.

Louis chuckled, "I woke up this morning so hungry I could've eaten my own hand. I went down a couple of hours ago."

"Thanks for waking me" I rolled my eyes sarcastically, running a hand through the most likely hazardous hair on the top of my head. Surprisingly I didn't get caught in too many knots.

"Any time" Louis clicked his tongue with a smirk.

"Well, do you wanna come down for seconds then?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm tired now. I stuffed myself to the brim earlier" he replied, patting his stomach triumphantly.

"What's going?"

"Just about anything you can imagine. The eggs were good, sausages, ham. It's all amazing" Louis grinned, his eyes shut as he reminisced. I laughed, "I'll go wake Niall then, he'll definitely want to come."

Sure enough, Niall was up and ready to go within five minutes. By then Harry had managed to put himself together too so we headed down to the buffet together, chatting about the rehearsal we had to attend later or that day and how everything we'd done the other day had been completely forgotten. Thankfully the fans didn't mind all that much what we did on stage, whether we looked like total idiots or not they seemed to have a good time.

The minute I saw the benches of food the smell of food wafted into my nostrils and I sighed in pleasure. It all smelt so damn good, I was literally drooling.

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