Larry's kid sick- for dancedcnce

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 Louis swiveled around in the passengers seat as the backdoor opened and our son clambered into the back, throwing his bag onto the floor and plopping down into his car seat, "hey little man, how was school?"

"Hiya, Jakey!" I smiled at him in the mirror. He grinned back, waving a bit.

 Jake shrugged as he struggled to clip in his seat belt. His little arms didn't quite reach the buckle unless he leaned right over the edge and I laughed as he tried to pull himself back up, "school was okay, Hayden wasn't there today so I was a bit lonely."

Louis snorted, "do ya need a hand, bud?"

"No, I got it Papa. . ." Jake said in a strained voice and then with one final burst of energy yanked himself upright, letting out a dramatic 'whew.'

"Why wasn't Hayden there?" I asked as I pulled out of the primary school car park and out onto the road, waving thankfully at the women who let me in.

"I don't know."

 Jake rested his chin out the open window and Louis smiled, spinning the volume dial until the car was thumping.

Once we got home Louis and I helped Jake with his homework. I found it all pretty scary to be honest. It felt we'd only brought him home a few weeks ago but now he was learning how to read and solve addition equations. It seemed impossible.

Louis cooked pasta for dinner a couple of hours later and we all sat down and watched cartoons while we ate, laughing loudly and dropping food on the odd occasion. It happened, the sad thing was that it wasn't really the five year old who made a mess.

I put Jake to bed at seven and then went back to the couch to cuddle with Lou, stretching out along the cushions and moving around a bit to get comfortable.

"Haz, you're elbow is murdering my hip."

 Louis shifted with a chuckle. I apologised, tucking it down away from him.

"Are going to change the channel?" I asked. Usually we didn't, the cartoons were a good way to unwind after a long day but it was Friday and on Fridays they always played a movie on the channel below.

"Oh yeah, that's right! Transformers is on!" Louis burst out excitedly, struggling to reach past me and get to the remote on the floor. 

I snorted as I grabbed the remote, "geek."

"Shut up, you were the one who made me watch it the first time, dweeb!" He shot back as I flicked the button and the TV screen changed to the opening credits of the first Transformers movie.

After about ten minutes I got up and put a bag of popcorn in the microwave after catching myself munching on the inside of my cheek. The two minute wait felt like forever and I tapped my fingers on the counter top impatiently as the bag spun around on the plate, popping noises echoing around the kitchen.

The microwave screeched after what felt like a lifetime and I eagerly grabbed the bag out, burning my fingers as I tipped the insides into a bowl and ran off back to the lounge.

Louis was sitting forward now, literally on the edge of his seat. I laughed and plopped down next to him, spilling a few bits of popcorn into the couches creases. Oh well, I guess they're lost now.


An hour later I glanced over at Louis when the movie hit a blank point. He was blinking harshly, as if trying to keep himself awake and in the dull lighting I noticed the bags beneath his eyes. He had been working pretty hard recently, harder than I had, and I wasn't surprised to see that it was all finally catching up.

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