Harry strep- for larrybeiberdreams*extended

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Liam's POV:

A crash from the other end of the bus jolted me awake and I shot forwards into a sitting position, nearly hitting my head on my ceiling above my bunk. There was some more rustling but nothing loud like the first crash had been.

There was no movement from the other bunks so I assumed no one else had woken, which made sense. We were all pretty tired by this point in the tour. At about three quarters of the way,  the exhaustion had really set in despite having the time of our lives.

I sneaked a glance over at the other bunks as my eyes adjusted and noticed that Harry's was unoccupied, he must've been the cause of the crash. I would've gone back to sleep, I needed to go back to sleep, but I was curious now. What could Harry be doing creeping around in the early hours of the morning? It was unlike him.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and hoisted myself onto my feet before quietly padding down the hall and into the main room. The light was on and it didn't take me long to spot Harry crouched behind the kitchenette, sweeping up shards of broken glass.

"Hey," I blurted, feeling weird standing there watching him. His head shot up in shock and he almost fell on his butt. He relaxed when he saw it was just me.

"S-sorry, I just, uh. . . I j-just dropped a glass."
His voice was low and raspy and he looks to be in pain as he spoke. Sore throats weren't rare as a singer, especially at this point in a tour.
"I can see that, do you need a hand?" I asked,  stepping closer and scanning the floor for anything glimmering. It seemed he'd already gotten most of it.
"It's okay," he replied as he stood up and wrapped the glass in a handful of paper towel before dumping it in the bin.

"Are you alright?" I questioned. He looked a little clammy but I couldn't be sure under this light.
"Just a bit of a sore throat, I came out for a drink," he answered, his voice still choppy. He didn't sound good at all. 

"Go sit down, I'll get it," I said and he shot me a small grin before throwing himself onto the couch.
I grabbed a couple of bottles from the fridge, just in case he dropped something else. I walked over and gave one to him. He uttered a quiet thanks and pulled it open with his teeth before swallowing down a keen mouthful.

"So, do you think that this is from all the singing?" 
"I don't know, it wasn't sore earlier," he replied, "I just woke up and it was hurting."

I watched and frowned as he gulped down some more of the water, wincing as it ran down his throat.
"Hopefully you'll be alright for today." 

"Yeah, hopefully." 

 He turned his gaze to the floor, and I could see that he was doubtful. Maybe he was feeling worse than he was letting on. I was getting worried now.

"Open your mouth for me?"
Harry obeyed silently and I peered into his mouth, trying to see around the shadows.
"Turn a little to the left. . ." I told him and then the light allowed me to see the rawness of his throat.
"It's red, that's for sure. Are you feeling okay apart from that?"

Harry closed his mouth and slumped back into the couch.

"Pretty much, I mean I've got a teeny headache and it's bit hot, b-but I'm alright," he answered. He must've seen the look on my face because the next words that came out of his mouth were, "I don't need my temperature taken, I'm fine. I'm going to head back to bed now. Thanks for the water Li." His voice cracked multiple times throughout and I held back a grimace with every one. He sounded horrible.

"Don't worry about it. . ." I breathed and followed him back to the bunks where we both got back into bed and not another word was said. (Haha that rhymed)

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