Niall sick -for larrybeiberdreams

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I have a maths exam starting in just over two hours at 8:30. I've been awake since I went to bed yesterday, studying and redoing pretty much every equation we've looked out throughout the year but I was still not feeling confident at all.

 There was so much to remember and even though I've been looking over the notes every night this week none of it had stuck and I know that I'm not going to do well.

I sighed and stared at the white ceiling. I could hear Harry, my younger brother up and about in the kitchen which meant my parents would be up soon.

I was going to do horribly in this exam. Earlier in the year when I had done my mock exams I had been so focused, too scared to do anything but burn the formulas into my brain in case I failed. I'd tried to do the same this time around and it just hadn't worked. 

The result of my mock exam exam had been a bright and shining A that I couldn't be more proud of and I wished that I could just take that grade. It was far better than the one I was going to get from this exam.

 I wondered if there was any way I really could just take the grade from the mock and I realised that the simple way out was to just pull a sickie.

Nothing I hadn't done before.

It would have to be reasonably big though because Dad and Papa knew that I had an exam today and they wouldn't want me to miss it unless it was absolutely necessary.

But I thought I could pull it off. A scalding hot shower, bit of toothpaste under the eyes and a shit load of groaning and whining would probably be enough. Chuck in a few gags here and there. If they tried to send me to school anyway I would just carry it on and be sent straight back home.


A little grin spread across my face.

After a few moments I got up and went to go have a shower, turning up the heat to the point where it hurt my skin. It wasn't burning, but I was definitely heating up and my cheeks were reddening.

I stayed in the shower for a good ten minutes after washing myself down and then turned it off, throwing on my school uniform so I at least looked like I was trying. I skipped a few buttons and didn't bother fixing up the trouser leg that was ridden half way up my calf. 

Maybe I was going a little over the top but I really needed this to work and now I had my mind set on it I was going to make sure it worked.

I rubbed a tiny little bit of toothpaste under my eyes, barely missing my actual eye. Sure enough, my eyeballs started watering as I dabbed a bit more on. 

Then I lowered down onto my knees in front of the toilet, all set up for when someone came looking. I rubbed my face and yawned into the back of my hand. I really hadn't slept all night, I probably looked like shit. That would definitely work in my favour.

I knew it was kind of immature. I was sixteen now, I should be man enough to sit a maths exam but I just couldn't face it. That A looked way too good, there was no way I was going to ruin in. 

About five minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

"Niall, you better get a move on, bud. We've gotta leave in quarter of an hour to make it to your exam and you still haven't eaten."

"Papa. . ." I moaned pathetically, locking my arms around my stomach in case he barged in.

"You'll do great Ni, you always do," he encouraged, clearly not understanding. I had to take it a little further.

I coughed, mustering up a wet sound from my throat and chest and made a gagging noise. I cringed as it didn't even sound slightly realistic to me but apparently Papa fell for it because the door swung open and I leaned over the toilet.

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