Louis over eating *extended

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"Betcha you can't beat my party food record Lou!" Niall said, lifting his chin proudly, admiring the tables. "I'm absolutely starved, I might beat it myself." 

Louis turned to stare him down, raising a brow. He generally wasn't one to over eat, he knew when to stop, but he knew he could really the pack the food in if he wanted to. He reckoned he had a chance.

"I can do it easy," Louis said.
Niall smirked and chuckled, "the ability to eat ten full plates of party food is a practiced talent, Tommo, you can't just do it." 
Louis smiled, feeling confident. It was a lot of food, but he could eat a lot of food. "Watch me."

It was Louis' kids, Laney's and Tyler's eighth birthday and they had decided to have joint party which meant that right at this moment there were over fourteen small children running around his house. With that many kids there had to be a hell of a lot of party food and his wife Amelia had spent two hours at the grocery store yesterday and then four hours this morning prepping everything. She had done a great job. The table, well tables, were stacked tall and it smelled amazing.

Louis grabbed a plastic plate and piled the snacks on before Amelia called for the kids. He was just picking up some chicken nuggets when her voice rang out, and he moved away from the table so that he wouldn't be bowled over by the swarm of hungry seven year olds.

Upon realising that Louis was actually going to go through with this Niall started his own run, gently pushing through the kids and grabbing his own plate. At the back of the swarm were Liam and Harry, ushering the smallest ones along softly.
Harry had pen all over his face and Liam had a pink boa around his neck, paired with a pair of massive, dollar-store sunglasses on the top of his head. They grabbed themselves some food and joined Louis and Niall in leaning against the wall on the far side of the room, away from all the squealing little boys and girls.

Harry gestured to the table playfully and Amelia sidled up next to Louis with a cheerful hello, "there's enough food here for you to beat that record of yours Ni." 
Niall laughed, "Lou's giving it a go to, he thinks he can beat me." 
"It's not a matter of thinking I can beat you Horan, I know I can." 

Louis shoved an oven fry into his mouth and chomped happily.

Half an hour later most of the kids had cleared out, they were in the backyard playing with the nerf guns. There were a few left just snacking on the curly fries and then Niall and Louis still trying to meet the record.
They were at seven plates so far and Louis felt ready to burst. Nothing tasted quite as good as it had before but he couldn't stop, the knowing smirks Niall kept shooting his way reminded him of that. He just need four more to get to eleven and beat Niall's stupid record. Four more. There was no way he was giving up now.

"You full yet Lou?" Amelia questioned, patting her husbands bloated belly tenderly.
Louis gritted his teeth and lied, "nope." 
"Are you sure?" Niall drew out the sentence tauntingly and Louis nodded as he swallowed a corn chip. Four more plates.

He managed to get three more plates down, somehow managing to get away with slightly smaller portions. His stomach wasn't happy, but his pride sure was. He was going to do this.

He threw a marshmallow into his mouth and exhaled slowly before chewing and swallowing. He paused as it slid down his throat and settled in his very fully belly.

"I'm surprised you made it this far, young grasshopper." 

Despite his teasing, Niall didn't look so confident anymore, in fact he looked just as uncomfortable as Louis did.

Louis forced a grin and filled up his eleventh plate of food, "I'm not."

"You two psychos are still eating?" Liam called as he and Harry came close.
Amelia rolled her eyes, "the two of them really are insane." 

"It's not over yet," Louis said dramatically as he started eating the finally plate. He had never been so full in his life and he felt like his stomach was about to split open and explode party food everywhere like a piñata.

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