Flu- for DolanTwins200

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"I feel like shit," Liam muttered from beneath an excessively large pile of blankets. He wasn't exactly sure who he was talking to but he knew there was at least one person in the room. He hadn't emerged from his blanket fort in a few hours so he couldn't be certain.

"I'm sorry, Bud," Niall responded with a sigh and Liam was happy he didn't just talk to himself. He tossed the blankets off of his face before weakly sitting up, looking at Niall with sad eyes. Niall gave a sympathetic expression in response.

"Do you want anything?" Niall asked as he got up off of the couch, walking closer towards Liam. Liam shook his head but instantly regret it, wincing at the pain from his headache. Niall frowned before leaving the room.

He came back a few moments later with a water bottle and a pill for the pain. Liam gave a weak smile at the gesture before taking the pill, chugging down some water after it and instantly noting just how much his stomach was churning.

"I really hope you don't get us sick," Niall said as he took a couple steps back, remembering the flu is highly contagious. He really didn't want to catch this sickness because Liam looked absolutely miserable. 

"You should probably stay away from me. I'm pretty germy," Liam joked before coincidentally coughing into his arm, causing Niall to leave the room as quick as he could. Liam knew he would probably be back in a couple minutes offering more help. 

Niall felt terrible for the boys whenever any of them got sick and tried to be as useful as he could which usually resulted in him getting sick, making the whole situation a bigger ordeal. Liam tried to convince Niall to just keep his distance but it he knew it wouldn't work.

It was very quiet and lonely in the living room where Liam was lying. He decided it would be best if he got some sleep rather than sitting awake and being bored. He closed his eyes and within seconds he felt himself drifting off.

"Shit!" Louis shouted loudly from the bedroom as he sneezed for the fourth time in a row. He was definitely coming down with what Liam had and he wasn't happy about it at all. He grabbed a tissue, instantly sneezing into it. 

"Alright?" Niall asked as he walked into the bedroom after hearing Louis' distressed shout. Louis groaned before crumpling up the tissue and throwing it in the trash can beside him. He turned to Niall with watery eyes and at this point he couldn't tell if it was from the sneezing or he was crying from the fact that he had caught the flu.

"I think I'm getting sick too," Louis said with a sniffle before sitting down on the bed. Niall frowned. He now had two boys to take care of and he was sure he'd catch the dreaded sickness after this. 

"Do you want to go rest with Liam in the living room?" Niall asked softly and Louis nodded, not feeling up to speaking right now. It was understandable, his throat was probably sore and no one liked talking with a sore throat. 

Niall led Louis all the way into the living room, making sure to be extra quiet once he noticed Liam was asleep. He helped Louis lie down on the couch and made sure he was comfortable before rushing off to hide from the germs once again. 

Niall walked into the kitchen to grab some orange juice, hoping it would help him stay healthy and protected from all the germs around him. Just as Niall was pouring the orange juice he remembered that he hadn't seen Harry today.

He put the orange juice back into the fridge before walking over to Harry's bedroom, gently knocking on the door. He heard shuffling before the door unlocked and Harry slowly opened it up. 

"Yeah?" Harry asked in confusion, unsure of why Niall was knocking on his door. Niall let out a sigh of relief when he noticed Harry looked totally healthy. He hoped it would stay that way or else he'd definitely have his hands full.

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