Niall sick

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"Come on, just a little bit?"

Louis looked at the other lad pleadingly, pulling his best puppy dog face. 

"Lou, this is for everyone. If I let you at it early then there isn't going to be any left," Harry said, chuckling as he put another round of bacon onto the plate. He had woken up in a good mood and decided to make a surprise breakfast for the band but Louis had got up earlier than usual when he smelt the food and now he was being a bother.

"Just a little teeny bit of bacon Haz, you won't even notice it's g-"

"Not happening." 

Harry purposefully moved the plate away from Louis so that he wouldn't snatch it while his back was turned.

"You're so rude. . ." Louis mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It's a gift," Harry retorted, making Louis roll his eyes in annoyance as his stomach grumbled hungrily. 

Harry glanced over at him from behind the stove where he was cooking some French toast.
"Listen, if you go wake the others up we'll start eating," he said.

Louis threw his head back and bellowed loud enough to wake up the entire neighbourhood, "Liam! Niall! Get out here!"

"Or you can do it that way," Harry laughed. 

"Hey, it works." 

Louis shrugged as Liam stumbled out into the kitchen in a pair of sweats and a T-shirt, his hair all over the place and his eyes droopy.

"Who's dying?" he muttered, trying to open his eyes further. He inhaled deeply and grinned , "and what's that smell?"

Harry smiled, "no one's dying."

"Harry made breakfast!" Louis exclaimed excitedly, "and he said I couldn't eat until you lazy asses were out here."

Liam plopped down into the bar-stool next to Louis. "Well then, thank you for giving me the pleasure of waking up to the sound of your screams," he said sarcastically, rubbing at his eyes to wake himself up more.

Louis winked playfully and Liam gave him a smack on the arm, "the pleasure was all mine."

"Now where's that little leprechaun? I'm starving." 

Louis looked around the room as if Niall was about to just appear out of thin air.
"Niall!" he shrieked again.

"One day Tommo, I'm going to knock you out and I'm not even going to be guilty about it," Liam stated. 

Louis laughed loudly. It was contagious and soon all three boys were laughing, the earliness of the day making everything a lot more funnier than it was.

No one noticed Niall as he silently entered the room, lips tightly drawn together.

Louis' gut rumbled again and he frowned, "where is that boy?"

"Right here," Niall murmured, raising a hand. Everyone turned to look at him and their smiles dropped immediately.

"Geez, you're not looking so great Ni. . ." 

Liam was the first to say something as he ran his eyes over his obviously unwell friend. 

Niall just shrugged uselessly under his gaze, stretching his elbows out across the only bare section of the counter. He'd woken up at Louis first yell to a throbbing headache and a stomachache that could kill and decided that he'd much rather just stay in bed all day than go see what Louis wanted.

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