Harry's kid sick- for larrybeiberdreams

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Jackson loved night time. He could actually get things done when it was dark out and the house was deadly silent. Mara talked in her sleep sometimes but that was just plain funny, totally worth breaking the silence for. The recordings Jackson had on his phone were golden.

The clock read 11 o'clock and he was less than half way his English homework, a two thousand word essay he had to finish in the next few days. He didn't have any other homework though, so he figured he'd just finish it off in one go so that he could spend the next few nights free to do whatever.

He blinked and rested his fingertips over his keyboard, opening his mouth in a massive yawn. He jiggled his knee, disappointed in himself. He'd never been so tired at just 11 o'clock before, usually this was the kind of thing that began around two in the morning when everything important was done and he was just watching TV shows or stupid videos on Youtube.

His typing was slowly but surely slowing down and within twenty minutes he decided that he was too tired to do any more. The pages was riddled with typos and words he'd spelled so badly that even he didn't know what they were, if he continued it was only going to get worse and the editing process at the end would make him want to tear his hair out.

Yawning again, he closed his laptop and dropped it onto the floor beside his bed. As he leaned across the bed to turn the lamp off he tried to figure out why he was fighting to stay awake this early in the night. The day hadn't been any more strenuous than usual, he'd eaten, drunken, it was just another day yet Jackson hardly had the energy to lift his blankets and wriggle underneath them. The second his body was flat on the mattress and there was a pillow under his head he was out like a light.

"How is it that your alarm managed to wake me all the way in my bedroom but you're able to sleep right through it?"

Warm, sunny light made the insides of Jackson's eyelids turn red and he opened his eyes to see his dad across the room pushing open the curtains and exposing the day outside. Loud music was blasting from his phone.

After the weird sleepiness last night, it occurred to Jackson that there was yet another oddity he'd experienced in the past twenty four hours- he was still tired out of his mind. A normal morning for him was leaping out of bed and bounding downstairs for breakfast, full of energy. An unusual morning, like this one, and just like last night he was struggling to resist the urge to let his eyes fall shut. He knew that despite the music and his dad's presence he'd just drift right off again.

His dad smiled at him an amusement as he turned the finally turned of the blaring alarm. "Check out those bags under your eyes, how long were you up last night?"

It was no secret to Jackson's parents that he liked to stay up at night. As long as he wasn't grumpy the next day, or obviously running himself down, they had no problem with it.

Jackson rubbed his tired eyes with his fists and bent his knees up, struggling for the motivation to get out of bed. He'd had eight hours of sleep last night for the first time in a very long time, he couldn't understand why he was still so exhausted. It made zero sense and his groggy brain soon gave up on trying to figure it out.

His dad chuckled, "obviously too late." He offered a hand to pull Jackson- who took it gratefully -upright onto his feet.

Once his dad left the room Jackson dragged himself around, getting changed and packing his bag for school. Then he robotically headed downstairs to the kitchen. It was all habit, he poured his bowl of cereal, added the milk, and dropped into his seat without a single thought passing through his head. That is, until the spoon got within an inch of his mouth, dripping milk back down into the bowl.

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