Harry sick- for samwell1983

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There was only one thing that I hated about winter.

I loved watching the snow fall from inside the house, sharing hot drinks around the fireplace, and winter meant Christmas time was getting close.

However, I couldn't stand the cold. Waking in the morning with a red nose no matter how high I'd set the heater was probably one of the worst things ever, right behind stepping outside and being immediately smacked in the face by a wall of cold so freezing it felt as if the air had frozen in my chest.

"Can we please just drive?" I whined, rubbing my sniffly nose on the sleeve of my coat.

"There isn't even a kilometre between us and the studio," Louis deadpanned, raising an eyebrow, "management rented us this place for the soul purpose of being able to walk back and forth."

"But it's so cold!"

Niall rubbed his hands up and down my arms, grinning broadly. "We'll survive Hazza, five minutes and we'll be back in a toasty heated room."

I groaned as Liam opened the front door and a cold gust of wind blew across every bare bit of skin I had. It was pretty much just my face, I was wearing enough clothes to cover just about my entire body.

Niall linked his arm through mine and dragged me outside, Louis following after. Then Liam locked the door behind us. I shoved my hands in my pockets and scowled at the thin layer of snow on the ground.

A tickle in my nose and my head shot forward as I sneezed into my gloved hands for the fourth time that morning. Unfortunately this wasn't the first time I'd had to walk in the cold to and from the studio, I wouldn't be overly surprised if I was coming down with a winter cold. My luck had never swayed in my favour.

"Keep up Harry!" Liam called to me, laughing.

I rubbed my nose and chased after them, careful not to slip on the icy sidewalk.

To distract myself from the horrid cold I tried my best to string together some lyrics in my head before we even got to the studio. That's all we were doing at the moment, writing songs. It was a long process, which was why we had a place so close by. When we finally finished writing we were going to need more time to record too. It was easier, but although the walk was literally down the road I wished that we could just drive.

The cold actually cleared me up and by the time we reached the studio I was pleasantly surprised, my nose wasn't even tickling anymore. I must've just gotten cool in the night.

Ha. Nevermind.

An hour later when I'd finally stopped shivered and the warm air kept my jaw from chattering my nose had completely blocked and I had to keep running off to grab tissues. Forget sniffly, this was much more annoying and even worse, my throat had begun to putter out too.

"Aw poor Haz, I feel bad for making you walk in the cold now." Niall smiled as I rejoined the group, tissues plugged up both my nostrils so that I didn't have to deal with it. Already the skin was red. Whoever bought the tissues had chosen the cheapest ones they could find and every attempted blow felt as if I was rubbing my nose with sandpaper.

I shrugged, "let's just get this finished. What's the time?"

"Just past ten," Liam swiftly answered, fanning himself with some paper. "Man, it's warm in here, can we turn the heat pump off for a bit?"

"It's cold!" I blurted, shaking my head. It wasn't that bad with the heat on but I couldn't imagine how cold I'd get with it off and I didn't want to find out.

"Nah Haz, I'm hot too. I'm sweating balls," Louis said.

"You can warm up, we'll find some blankets and stuff, but the rest of us are roasting alive in here," Niall told me apologetically. I groaned sadly and chucked my hood up over my head as Liam stood, "I'll go see if I can get it shut off for an hour or so."

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