Larry's kid sick- for savannahstyles14

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"Sera, love, if you don't wear your hat you'll get burned by the sun. You don't want that do you?" Papa tried, bending down and holding the pink floral hat. 

Sera turned her little nose up and shook her head stubbornly, "I don't want it Papa."

 Her features showed a surprising amount of sass and attitude for a three year old.

"Hurry up Sera, you're keeping us back," Harper whined.

"I don't want it!" Sera screeched, turning on her heel and running out of the room. Her little legs looked like they were about to buckle but she still managed to evade Papa pretty skilfully as he chased after her.

Dad sighed, "well, you lot can get in the van while we wait. You alright to handle the girls for a minute, Jake?"
I nodded as Isla slid her hand into mine and stated swinging our arms back and forth.
"Yeah I got them."

"Thanks, we'll be out in a minute."

 Dad grinned and then headed off to try and control the other stroppy three year old that was presently rampaging through the house.

Thea twirled around as we went through the door, "we're going to the bitch!"  

I snorted loudly. Sienna and Harper understood too but they looked absolutely petrified with their mouths hanging open and their identical eyes wide in shock.

"The beach?"
"The bitch."

 Thea grinned toothily as if she knew exactly what she was saying, and skipped over to the van.

 Sienna finally closed her mouth, "Jakey, Thea said a bad word. . ."
"Twice," Harper added.

"She has no idea what she's saying, it's okay" I promised with a smile as I yanked the door open and herded my four sisters into the van. I had to admit, it was a bit hard to manage sometimes, being the only boy out of six. 

Five minutes later Papa and Dad came back. Dad was holding a squirming Sera in his arms and Papa was holding the hat firmly on her head. Dad put her in her car seat and quickly buckled her in before she could make an escape.

She was literally crying now, over not wanting to wear her hat.Little kids were a total riot. 

"It itches Daddy!" She howled, waving her limbs around madly.

 Papa looked at her from the passengers seat, "you can take it off for now, but if you don't put it back on when we get there you're not going to be leaving the car."

"Okay" Sera hurriedly tore the hat off and threw it at me. I barely managed to whack it out of the way before it collided with my face. It always confused how little kids always had such good aim.

"Alright family" Dad smiled once he was seated behind the shell and all seat belts were on, "we ready to hit the beach?"

"I'm ready to hit the bitch!" Thea shouted from the back seat.

Papa whirled around, with a similar expression on his face to what I had seen on the twins as Dad collapsed into laughter, "oh god, remind to get a video of that later, Jake!"

"Let's just go!" Sienna complained.

"Fine, fine, off we go. . ."

 Dad reversed down the drive and then we were on the road.

In the back seats, the twins and Thea were sitting and then in the next was myself and Sera and Isla. Isla's car seat was digging into my side but I didn't notice it that much, I'd gotten used to it over the years.

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