Liam sick- for larrybeiberdreams

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"Come on, come on, come on!"

Liam didn't have much of a choice. His little brother Niall was dragging him through the house like a stuffed animal, as if he weighed nothing. Hardly sixty seconds ago he'd been sound asleep so he was too out of it to argue.

"Where are we even going Ni?" Liam moaned, rubbing his tired eyes before shifting his hand to his aching stomach. The longer he was awake the more he noticed how dodgy he felt. It wasn't really sick yet, just lethargic and on edge with a dull stomachache.

"To the living room, for presents!" Niall shouted happily. Liam's shoulder whacked the door-frame as he was tugged to their final destination where his parents were sitting on the couch. Niall dropped his hand and rushed over to the looming pile of presents, giggling gleefully.

Liam rubbed his head as he remembered what day it was, "shit, uh, happy birthday Ni. . ."

"Happy birthday me!" Niall cheered, eyes sparkling.

There was a rule in the house that birthday presents could not be opened until the whole family was there, which meant early starts every year on Niall's birthday. Liam hadn't minded much before, seeing Niall so lit up and cheerful was adorable and everyone was in good spirits.

It was the strange constriction in his stomach and cloud of exhaustion hanging over him that made him wish that he could go back to bed instead.

"Come sit Li, you look half asleep still." His dad laughed and beckoned Liam over as Niall plopped down onto the carpet and teared open his first present frantically.

Liam nodded blearily and did as he was suggested, dropping his head into his hands.

"Whoa! It's a plane! Thanks Louis, Harry!"

"Wh-What?" Liam's papa blurted, staring at Niall with wide eyes.

"I'm six now, too old for Daddy and Papa."

A hand landed on Liam's back, "that's nonsense Nialler, no one can be too old for their parents. Liam still calls us Dad and Papa."

Niall gave a little frown and then shrugged, flying his new plane through the air, "okay."

His papa let out a a relieved sigh and wiped his hands on his pants.

Liam shifted uncomfortably and tucked away into the back of the couch as Niall moved onto his next present. He needed help with this one so his papa was distracted but his dad's gaze kept flickering over at him curiously.

"Did you sleep alright?" His dad finally asked, tapping his knee to get his attention.

"Yeah, jus' feeling kinda off," Liam explained, unblinking. "My stomach's hurting."

"You're pale. . ." his dad pointed out, chewing on his pink lips worriedly, "I hope you're not coming down with anything."

"Same," Liam agreed quietly. Being sick was never any fun. It had been a while since the last time, he was probably due to be taken down by a bug of some sorts.

"I think I'll go grab the thermometer," his dad said as he stood and adjusted his jeans, "hang tight."

Liam watched him leave and grabbed the blanket tossed over the other end of the couch. He wrapped it around his shoulder and laid his head down on the arm.

"Look Li, it's a sprinkler!" Niall exclaimed. A box was shoved into Liam's face, making him flinch and pull away, "cool, Ni. . ."

"Careful Nialler, you don't want to hurt him. Hey, where did Dad go?"

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