Harry lactose intolerance- for Ambervance16925

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"That guy has a really big nose! And look at that guys whooper! Holy shit, do you reckon he can even see past that thing?"

"Shut the fuck up Lou, this is the best bit!" Niall said, slapping me across the chest.
"No! Did you see it? Can we rewind?"

Liam shot me a flat look. "Louis, this is literally the third repeat of this part, we're not going back."
"But did you see it?"

I narrowed my eyes at him through the darkness of our makeshift theater, "you're lying."

Liam didn't take his eyes off the television and I scoffed, "bullshit."

Liam smirked, sitting further back in the couch, "oh well, it's too late to go back now anyway." 

We'd gotten back from an early morning show an hour ago after stopping on the way back for food and somehow we had the rest of the day off so we'd decided to have a movie day. We started with 'The Edge Of Tomorrow' (I don't know if anybody would have seen it, but it's a really good movie) which was playing very loudly now. All the curtains were closed to block out all the light and there were three empty bowls on the coffee table. They had been full of popcorn in the beginning, but as usual all of it was gone within the first ten minutes.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom, I'll be back soon," Harry said, getting out of his seat. He brushed some popcorn crumbs off his shirt.

"Do you want us to pause it?" Niall asked.

"Nah, it's alright," Harry said. 

Ten minutes later Harry still wasn't back and I figured he was taking a shit, the entire bowl of popcorn he'd inhaled and the breakfast we'd picked up on our way back from our interview had to come out one way or another. 

When Harry came back five minutes later he was moving a little gingerly and I squinted to see him in the light from the TV. He might've even been shaking a bit.

"What took you so long, mate? Taking a dump?" Niall teased as Harry eased back into his seat.

Harry blushed a little and shrugged, "my stomach's a little upset."

"Did you have any lactose?" Liam asked without even skipping a beat. Harry had been lactose intolerant ever since I'd known him and the poor guy didn't have it easy either. I knew several other people who were lactose intolerant and none of them seemed to be effected as badly as Harry. All it took was a square of chocolate and he was sick for the whole day. Those lactose tablets didn't really work for him either. 

Harry frowned, "I don't think so. . .but it wouldn't be the first time I've done it accidentally."

"What have you eaten today?"

"Um, I had toast for breakfast and then that burrito from that take out place, I haven't had anything else." 

He winced as he stomach let out a growl that almost drowned out the sound of the movie completely. It didn't sound good at all.

Niall shrugged, "maybe you're just getting sick, there's a bug going around." 
"Or maybe there was sour cream or something in that burrito," Liam said sympathetically.

"It sure as hell feels like there was," Harry said, groaning as he squirmed in his seat.
"Go grab yourself some painkillers," Niall suggested.
"I think I might have to."
Harry got up again and disappeared into the kitchen.

We sat in silence for a few minutes as a particularly good scene played in the movie.
"Hopefully Haz doesn't get as bad as he usually does, on the one day we get off I think he'd prefer to not be vomiti-" Niall was cut off by an awful retch from the kitchen and blinked slowly with a sigh, "there he goes."

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