Niall sick

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"I'm going to throw up," Niall groaned, his face scrunched up and his hands tightly wrapped around his stomach as they had been for the majority of the day.

"Ni, you've said that like twenty times today and still nothings happened," you replied, staring at him sympathetically.

Your boyfriend of two years had gone to bed the night before claiming he had a stomachache but you figured it was just because he had eaten too much dinner, as per usual. 

He tossed and turned all night, keeping the both of you awake, and then in the morning he said he was feeling worse. He was paler than he usually was and had a slight temperature, plus the fact that he was moaning and grunting every few seconds so you told him that he was going to have to stay home from work. He wasn't really in any position to fight you like he usually would so he had stayed in bed after his alarm when off and you tried your best to make him feel better. 

It was exhausting.

The first time he'd blurted that he was going to be sick you'd panicked and jumped up, grabbed his arm and pushed him into the bathroom. The two of you had sat in front of the toilet for quarter of an hour, just waiting for something to happen.

Nothing did. Since then, Niall had been camped out on the couch. Every half an hour or so he declared he was gonna puke and although there had been a few shallow heaves, he was yet to actually productively vomit. 

"What if it actually happens thi-" his voice fell into a guttural grunt of pain and he curled over. 

You sat down rubbed his back, feeling sorry for him. He didn't usually get sick, especially not like this, and you really didn't like seeing him in pain.

"I'll go get the bucket again, just in case yeah?" You suggested, leaning forward so you could see his face. Apparently having the bucket within sigh just made him even more nauseous so it was hidden just around the corner.

He just nodded slightly and you gripped his hand for a second before heading into the kitchen to grab the bucket. When you got back, Niall was stretched out face first on the couch.

"Here Ni, it's just next to you if you need it."

You ran your hand through his hair and he shakily lifted his head to look up you.

"It really h-hurts, gorgeous," he muttered, tears in the corners of his eyes. 

Your heart broke in half for the poor guy. It really did seem like torture. The pain and the nausea, but no release. 

You smiled and cupped his face in you hand, "I know babe, but it'll be okay."

 He leaned into your touch like a cat, making you laugh quietly. 

"How about we try some more pills?"

Niall shook his head defiantly.

"Niall, they'll make you feel better," you said.

"But. . .I look stupid," he murmured, his cheeks turning red.

A fun fact about Niall was that he couldn't swallow pills to save a life. You'd had to bite your lip earlier trying to watch him take the first lot because you knew that laughing about it would embarrass him, but it really was funny. He got this look of pure concentration on his face and he tried so hard but it still took him about ten minutes to swallow two little pills which in the end had to be broken in half.

You grinned widely, "you look adorable."

Niall smiled a little. "Fine, but can you please break them like you did this morning?" he asked sweetly.

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