Louis sick- for Panther166

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Louis hated that he and Harry were never allowed to share a room when they stayed at hotels during tour. He was always stuck with Liam, who snored like an elephant, while Harry stayed with Niall. It sucked and he always got lonely in those big queen beds without his curly-haired lover, sleep never came easy.

Tonight he hated the separation even more because he had a stomachache that was steadily getting worse and he'd do anything for Harry to be there beside him, being all lovely and comforting.  He wanted a belly rub, a glass of water, and maybe a song to help him drift off but all he had was silent darkness and cold, empty sheets.

Sadly Liam wasn't very empathetic in the middle of the night and Louis couldn't even remember the number of the room Harry and Niall were in. He had no choice but to squirm in his bed and try rub the ache out of his stomach himself.

Thankfully come morning he was feeling better for the most part, there was a still a dull reminder of last night's occurrences when he moved too quickly and he was tired from being up in the early hours of the morning.

When he finally got to see Harry down at breakfast he sat close enough for their legs to touch and was probably clingy enough to give away that something wasn't one hundred percent right but he didn't say anything about what had gone on last night. He didn't want Harry to feel bad for not being there, and he was feeling better now anyway. He was sure he'd be back to normal by midday.

The buffet food looked incredible but Louis found that he didn't have a lot of an appetite and sat down without a lot of anything on his plate. In comparison to Harry's stack of pancakes, pile of hashbrowns, bowl of fruit, and pot of yoghurt his slice of toast looked like a child's portion. Put it next to Niall's plate and it looked even worse.

"That's all you're having Babe?" Harry asked, frowning as he noticed.

Louis shot him a reassuring smile and lied, "I'm still pretty full from dinner last night."

Harry laughed, "same, that was awesome." He shrugged and glanced down at his plate, "but all this looked amazing and I couldn't help myself."

Louis began to butter his toast but what little of his appetite he had managed to scrounge up disappeared the second Niall opened his mouth and spat out his first mouthful of bacon with a disgusted look on his face. He shuddered and scraped his fork over his tongue, "that's foul!"

Louis laughed loudly at Niall's reaction, "you didn't have to spit it out!"

Niall nodded, "yes I did. I don't think that's even edible."

Liam sniffed at his own piece before putting it back on his plate, "smells kinda funky."

In the end Louis wasn't the only one to leave without touching his plate. Turns out the glorious buffet was all a cruel facade, everything tasted awful and no one could stomach much of anything. No one else had toast so Louis lied about the bread having a moldy underside and sat back in his chair while the rest of the boys complained and whined about their food.

He leaned his head back and blinked hard when he realised how close he was to falling asleep. Harry nudged his leg with a sweet sounding chuckle, "dozing off Lou?"

"Nearly." Louis forced a smile, leaning forward to rest his chin on his hands.

"You're adorable," Harry whispered in his ear, "I missed you so much last night."

Louis inhaled his scent and nuzzled into his warm neck, "I missed you too. . ."

Just forty minutes later he was piling into a van behind Harry on their way to their first interview of the day. They had one now, and then one later in the afternoon before they could head back to the hotel where they were staying one more night before moving closer to the next concert destination. Talk amongst the lads was that they'd be stopping at a supermarket in between the two interviews to get some food because 'no way in hell am I eating that shit again.'

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