Liam- for Bestofallthefandoms

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""Liam you've gotta get your ass into gear fairly soon if you wanna be ready when we leave!" I called out to my room mate as I struggled with my jeans. The stupid things were my last resort after I'd spilled last nights dinner on the usual pair and I hated them because it always took me five minutes or more to get the damn things on.
Five minutes may not seem like that long but because I liked sleeping so much I was almost always in a rush and wasting five minutes putting on pants was totally unacceptable.
Like now, when I only had twenty minutes and I was starving, the pants were taking up precious time that could be spent eating.
"But Louis..." Came a drawn out sigh from the other room. Liam was in front of the TV as far as I knew and I hadn't wanted to rush him too much. For whatever reason they'd had him running around to singular interviews and all sorts of other shit recently, I knew that he was getting pretty tired. I figured he'd start moving in his own time but like I said, we only have twenty minutes before we've gotta meet Harry and Niall in the lobby and he hasn't moved all morning.

I huffed in relief when I was finally dressed then went out to the kitchen space to try put together something quick to eat.
"You had breakfast at least Lazy?" I asked the lump on the couch.
I chuckled. He really was tired. He was the one always bugging the rest of us about breakfast.
"I think I'm sick Lou" Liam uttered, making me stop what I was doing. I turned around to see that he had emerged from his cosy spot under the blankets and was sitting up with a blank look on his face. I walked over as he rubbed his eyes.
"You can't really be sick today Mate, we've kind of got a lot on" I peered down at him, feeling bad. It wasn't anything I had any power over, I knew that, but still. We definitely had a busy day, tour days were always busy, but today was even more so.
Liam moaned and dropped his head into his hands miserably. I could tell how much he was dreading the day, he was really wishing he didn't have to move. I knew from experience how he was feeling and I fully sympathised.

"Can you call and see if I can stay here? I feel like crap." Liam looked up at me pleadingly, "I won't last the day.

"I can try, but you should get ready anyway because I doubt they'll care you crap you feel" I admitted as I took my phone out of my pocket, earning another groan from Liam. There was a knock on the door and I paused in confusion.

"Just us!" Came a familiar voice from behind the door, "can we come in?"
I wandered over to the door and unlocked it as I found the number I was looking for. The door opened and Harry and Niall stood there looking way to energised for nine a clock in the morning. I waved them inside.
"We got up early, because Niall though it would be hilarious to pour toilet water on me," Harry grumbled, "and hen we were bored, so here we are."

"Liam's sick" I said, feeling like I should at least say something before I excused myself to call management. I stepped back into the bedroom without bothering to wait around for a response and pressed call. I waited and waited and waited some more but no one picked up.
I huffed in frustration and went back out to the main room to relay the bad news.

I knew that Liam wouldn't be a happy lad but I didn't expect his eyes to well up when I told him he had to come.
"Whoa, Jesus, please don't cry" I frowned in confusion. Liam didn't cry, this was new territory for all of us.
"I'm not even sick!" He blurted randomly in a choked voice, ducking his head down as heat scorched over his face. I frowned.
"You know Li usually when you pull a sickie you don't tell on yourself" Niall bit his lip as he tried not to laugh after he got over his brief moment of shock. He sat down beside Liam while Harry and I looked on in confusion.
"I'm sorry" Liam sighed, rubbing the tears out of his eyes. "I'm so fucking tired, I don't wanna go."

I internally sighed in relief. I had no idea what we'd do if he'd actually started crying.

"We'll look out for ya mate" Harry offered with a pitying smile.
"We've got a bit of a drive first thing, you can sleep for a while anyway." I rubbed his shoulder, "you will have to get up and get ready though."

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