Louis hurt- for itsgonnabemay5

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"That was a sick show lads, that crowd was insane!" Liam exclaimed as the group moved backstage. They were all pumped full of adrenaline and practically bouncing on the outside and the inside, blood surging through their systems at a rapid speed. Nothing gave the buzz that being on stage did.

Harry smiled, showing every single one of his teeth in a giddy way. He felt like he was flying.

 Louis nudged him with his hip with a smirk, "you look like a kid Haz, it's kind of adorable."

Harry took one glance at his Lou, the one he woke up with this morning and loved with all of his heart. He suddenly couldn't contain himself, the excitement rushing through him was too much to control and before he knew it his lips were passionately clinging to Louis', his long fingers curling around the back of the shorter boys head.

Louis barely hesitated before kissing back, possibly even more urgently than Harry.

"Well," Niall said, watching his two friends with a fond grin.

 Liam laughed, running a hand through his sweaty hair, "they're only a few layers of clothing away from porn."

Louis pulled the finger at Liam but didn't part from his curly-haired lover, he didn't even glance in his direction.

Niall snorted, "I guess that's our cue to leave, don't forget the signing we've got in the next quarter of an hour."

"It's just down the end of the hall, we'll meet you two there," Liam directed. 

The only recognition he got was a deft nod from Harry as his hands moved from Louis' head to his waist as he tugged the other even closer until their bodies were glued together.

Liam and Niall left but neither Harry or Louis noticed, they were too caught up in each other. Their lips moved in perfect synchronisation and they both breathed heavy desperate breaths before coming back for more.

It was never-ending. Kiss, breathe, kiss. And then breathe again before getting straight back into the seemingly choreographed dance with their tongues. It wasn't something they'd been taught during rehearsals.

It was just natural, perfect.

Time was passing though and all to soon in came to a sudden end when Harry caught a glimpse of the time on the clock across the room. It had been more than quarter of an hour.

Harry swore, "Lou, we're gonna have to make a run for it!" 

He pulled away, his lips tingling from where Louis' had been moments before.

 Louis pouted, resting his hands on Harry's broad chest comfortably, "but I don't want to stop."

"We can pick it up later, come on!" 

Harry grabbed Louis' hand in his and made a run for the hall. People were everywhere and they were side-stepping and leaping about like hyper-active monkeys.

They rushed down the hallway hand in hand.

Harry's longer strides probably made the dash a bit difficult for Louis but he managed to keep up fairly well.

Harry trotted down the small staircase quickly, tugging Louis behind him. The lights flickered off all of a sudden and Louis lost track of where the steps where, and where his feet were landing. He tripped with a cry and fell past Harry. 

He tried desperately to find something to hold onto but the speed of his fall and the darkness make it near impossible and his finger-tips only brushed the material of Harry's shirt before he tumbled down the last step and landed in a tangled heap on the ground at the bottom.

One Direction SickficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora