Louis sick- for sarcasstic

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"Eye spy with my little eye. . . Something beginning with B."
"Is it a bathroom? I would really fucking love it to be a bathroom."

"No, it's not a bathroom," Niall rolled his eyes and leaned forward into the gap between the seats, elbows stretched out and touching both mine and Liam's, " I don't see why you won't just piss in the bush like the rest of us."
Liam jiggled his leg, "I can't! I get nervous!"
"That's stupid."
"I can't help that my bladder gets shy!"

His face twisted as we jolted over a bump in the road. Sitting straight and stiff his knees started moving faster.

"Something beginning with B lads, come on," Niall grinned.
"It's bottle," I sighed in boredom.
Niall's mouth fell open in awe, "how'd you know that Hazza?"
"There isn't anything else left in this car that someone hasn't 'spied with their little eye' Ni, I think we exhausted the game a long time ago," I yawned. A jersey flew through the gap in the seat and landed on the cabinet between the front seats. Liam made a sound as the drawstring caught him across the cheek.
"Whoops, sorry Li," Louis spoke up from behind me. Hearing his voice made me realise that he'd been quiet, I'd almost forgotten he was there at all.
"Ya almost shocked the wee out of me Lou," Liam shifted. He bit down on his lip and next thing I know the van door is flying open and he's disappearing behind a mound of grass with a yell, "I'll be back!"
Thankfully we were stuck in traffic or his collision wine ground would've been a lot more painful. Also, he was lucky we were more or less in the middle of nowhere rather than in the city where there wasn't exactly hills to hide behind.

"Man it's warm in here," Louis complained as he pried his T-shirt away from his chest and shoulders. "Is there any water left?"
I held up the remixing dribble with an apologetic look, "not really."

At the start of the day we'd all loaded into the van with a full drink bottle each for the ride to our outdoor photoshoot location, some waterfall buried deep in the country side. However, they'd all been drained as this was hour number six we'd been stuck behind the same navy blue Subaru p, crawling down the road at the speed of an sloth with back problems. There'd been an accident ahead somewhere and the traffic build up was awful.

I was a little reluctant to give away the pathetic few millimetres at the bottom of my bottle but Louis seemed to be sweating a fair amount in the back of the car. His face had gone red too. Niall was only in shorts and a tank top whereas Louis was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and until just a couple of minutes ago a hoodie. Louis looked far hotter than Niall did sitting in the back of the vehicle. his face had even gone red.

"Here, take it." I handed it back to him.
"Ta, I think I'm overheating back here."
"You look pretty hot, swap with Liam. Take his seat, " I suggested. We had no more water, and if Louis kept sweating like he was he was going to he dehydrated fast and we still had a photoshoot to do, he'd be exhausted.

"I think I will," Louis nodded in agreement. He unclipped his belt and hoisted himself over the seats into Liam's, dropping onto the cushion with a content sigh. The van door was still opened from when Liam had jumped out so the cool air was coming in quite nicely.

"Are you almost finished Mr Payne? We're moving a bit," our driver for the day, Freddy, loudly bellowed after Liam's hiding place as we drew away slightly.
Liam popped out from behind the tall grass looked chuffed with himself, "I got it! I'm good!"

He went to jump back into his seat before noticing Louis sitting there, fanning himself with a magazine out of the seat pocket in front of him.
"What are you doing in my seat Tomlinson?" Liam chirped carelessly as he clambered back into the van.
"Harry told me to, I'm sweating like a pig. . ." Louis moaned. He threw the magazine onto my lap and started using his shirt to fan himself instead.
"Gross," Liam muttered as he fell heavily into his new seat at the back of the van. "Man, I feel so much better."

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