Niall's cold parts one and two- for larrybeiberdreams and Bouncerokoas

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Liam's POV:

"This looks like an ear infection to me," the doctor announced with a confident nod as he took a slight step away from Niall, who was stuck in a pre-sneeze expression. His eyelids were fluttering and his nostrils were flaring as he struggled to relieve the itch. The fiery red colour of his left ear stood out from his sickly pale skin.

"Ha' ishoo,- Achoo- h' Choo!" He shook as he sneezed into the tissues that he had at the ready. It had been a long couple of days before the earache struck and the lads finally decided to get him checked out.
"Bless you," we all chorused and Niall smiled at us, thanks."

"So what do we do now?" I asked the doctor, not taking my gaze off of my sick friend.

"The infection is a part of this cold he has contracted so as the cold eases so will the ache. I would prescribe antibiotics but I'm not sure if they will help all that much. It will probably clear up faster on its own. Don't worry if he acquires a fever, it's just the body trying to get rid of the infection. I would suggest some pain killers to dull the pain and I take it he's already on some kind of cold and flu?"

"Yeah, we've got all that back at the hotel," Louis perked up.
"How long is this going to last?" Niall asked, causing everyone to wince at his congested voice. He sounded pretty terrible and I was beginning to feel guilty for letting it get this bad.

"If it's not any better in 48 hours come back." The doctor smiled and turned to type something on his desktop.
"Alright, you're all set, it was nice meeting you boys, I hope you feel better soon Mr Horan."
He opened the door for us and we all filed out without more knowledge than what we'd gone in with. At least we knew it wasn't anything to be too worried about.

Niall's POV

I tried fruitlessly to stop shivering, it did not seem to want to let up. Fisting my hands inside my jumper, and sniffling a bit to ease some of the stuffiness, I walked out of the doctor's office. I felt like complete and utter crap, I don't think I've ever had a cold this bad in my life. As far as I knew, I hadn't even been around anyone sick so I had no idea where I'd caught it from.

My head was so heavy that it took active effort to simply hold it up and despite the fact that I was blocked up to the point where I could barely breathe, my nose was still dripping like a leaky pipe. My eyes hurt and I was exhausted, plus now my ear was throbbing like crazy along with the fact that they were both blocked.

Another violent shiver swept through me and Harry wrapped a lanky arm around my shoulders and pulled my closer as we exited the clinic. "You alright, Nialler?" He asked.

"Cold,"  I muttered. Harry swiped his navy blue beanie off the top of his curls and planted it gently on my head, being careful of my ear.
I nodded, "thank you."
"Don't worry about it, Sickie."

We got into the van and Liam asked the driver to turn up the heat. Soon I was finally warm and I sighed in content before a sneezing fit shook me out of it. Liam rubbed my back as I tried to stop or at least stifle them. I was so done with this. I sniffled when it finally gave in and rested my head back to try and clear it.

I opened my eyes to see we had stopped moving, meaning that somehow I'd fallen asleep.  I blinked slowly as Harry opened the door and got out. The others lead me up to the hotel room. Nobody had mentioned tonight's concert. I think we all knew that I wasn't going to be able to do it. I felt like I'd been run over by a car ten times over and even worse I sounded like I'd swallowed a bucket of nails. Even if I did manage to get out on stage I'd just disappoint everyone anyway and ruin the show.

When we finally got to our room I flopped miserably onto the couch, ignoring my heads protests for just a second. It was absolutely freezing in the hotel room but thankfully Louis saw me shivering and dumped a couple of blankets on top of me. I grunted a 'thanks.'

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