Liam sick- for larrybeiberdreams

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Liam didn't feel like getting out of bed.

His older brother had been in to wake him up ten minutes ago, he'd switched on the light and ripped Liam's duvets off as per usual, all too cherry and enthusiastic for 7:00 in the morning.

Normally the bright light bursting from the ceiling was enough to wake Liam up so he could get to getting ready for school but this morning it wasn't doing it's job quite as well.

"You still lying there dude? You've gotta get a move on or I'm gonna have to leave ya here" Niall peeked his head into the room with an amused smirk. He was all dressed, shoes on and hair full of gel. Liam groaned and rolled out of bed, hitting the floor with a thud.

Niall laughed out loud, snorting and chortling. Liam didn't care. If he hadn't done something he probably would never have gotten up. He sniffled and wiped at the base of his nostrils as he tiredly got to his feet.

"That's it Li, up and at 'em" Niall chuckled, "you always look so good in the mornings little bro" he added sarcastically. Liam rolled his eyes and coughed into his sleeve to clear the thick feeling in his throat. Something in his chest twanged and he winced, stopping still until the pain slowly faded. It wasn't that bad really, it was just early and it had given him a fright.

He'd started feeling kind of ill the day before, struggling to stay awake in class and sniffling every now and then. There had been a bit of sneezing and his throat had been hurting too. He'd pretty much been expecting to wake up not feeling his best.

"I'll see you in the car in quarter of an hour" Niall nodded and headed off.

Liam sighed and began changing into his uniform. It was a big bulky set of trousers and shirt, his dads had said that he'd grow into them but he'd yet to hit that main growth spurt. He put his socks on wearily and then laced up his shoes.

"Morning Li, feeling okay today?"

He glanced up to see his Dad in the door frame. Liam had told his parents yesterday that he thought he might be coming down with something.

"Hm, bit stuffy" Liam replied. The sound of his own voice made him wince a little. It crackled and broke like an old record. "I'm fine though."

"Okay bud. You better get your wheels on, Niall's itching to get out the door this morning" his dad chuckled.

"Oi Harry! Come back to bed!" Liam's other dad yelled from the bedroom.

"One sec Lou! I'll see you this afternoon Li, have a good day" Liam's Dad grinned once more before running off back to his room.
Liam fixed his tie in the mirror, grimacing at the state his floppy hair was in. A couple of runs through it with his fingers made it appear semi presentable and he decided that it would do, he couldn't be bothered. He packed up his bag and put on his shoes before grabbing and quick bite to eat from the kitchen. He brushed his teeth, sitting on the side of the bath to make the slight shaking in his legs stop. On his way out to the garage where the little car was parked Niall ran up to him and clapped him on the back, "bit slow today huh Li? Come on, we've gotta get out of here or we'll be late" he grinned, leading Liam briskly the rest of the way to the garage.
Niall frowned a little when Liam started coughing suddenly, elbow held to his mouth. His kid brother didn't get sick very often but when he did it tended to hit him pretty hard. Liam had been drowsier than normal that morning and the coughing fit he was in the middle of sounded reasonably harsh.
"Are you okay?" Niall asked, whacking Liam's back a few times. Liam nodded as the coughs died out, "got a cold."

"Is it bad? I can check in with Dads and see if they'll let ya stay home if you want?" Niall offered.
Liam shook his head but the next next of coughs that followed made Niall turn on his heel and race back down the hall to their parents room. He really couldn't afford to be late.

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