Harry's kid sick- for larrybeiberdreams and ElishaHilker

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While Mara was sick I avoided her like the plague. It was almost ridiculous, the lengths I went to to ensure I wouldn't catch the same bug. I don't think I had any contact with her for three days. I hardly even saw her.

I washed everything and acted like a total freak, and now it appeared as if it was all for nothing.

Stuck on the toilet with my pants around my ankles I leaned my head against the wall beside me with a groan of frustration. I liked to think I was a generally healthy kid and when my body did this to me it felt like betrayal. Especially after everything I did to stay away from Mara.

"Unless you want to walk to school I suggest you get a move on in there!" Mum knocked on the door loudly, "you've still got to have breakfast yet Jack."

Preferring not to have a conversation with her while I was sat on the toilet I packed myself up and after spraying the room left to go share my situation. Judging by how the last quarter of an hour had been I knew school was very likely going to be a total disaster. I didn't like skipping days, but I also didn't like the prospect of spending my day in a dirty cubicle.

I grimaced and peeled my shirt off my back as I walked into the kitchen. My whole body felt hot and sticky, probably from both exertion and fever. It was gross.

"Sit down, I'll make you something quick." Mum pushed me into a seat and fixed my collar as she whirled by. I managed to grab the hem of her shirt before she got too far, "I think I've caught Mara's bug, I feel yuck."

"We both know you have that French exam today Jack, you don't have time to play this. Dad's going to be leaving in ten minutes and I've got to take Mara to her guitar lesson. Didn't you study?"

The words French exam had my mouth falling open and my stomach gurgling even more. I had totally forgotten. To answer her question, I had not studied, not at all.

Miserably I dropped my head into my hands, "oh god..."

"Nice try," Mum offered an amused smile and pushed a bowl of cereal in front of me, "now eat up."

"Five minutes!" Dad called as he rushed past the door way, pulling on a jacket as he went.

I shook my head and pushed the bowl away, "seriously Mum, my stomach's a mess."

She simply rolled her eyes dismissively and then kissed the top of my head, "although I admire your determination, I don't believe you."

Knowing full well that convincing her was about as possible as walking through a brick wall I instead rolled my eyes and got up to put my shoes on.
Mum swipes my bowl away and efficiently packed up the kitchen. She laid a kiss to my cheek, "good luck with your test, make sure you eat lunch."
"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled to myself as she darted away to collect Mara from her room.

In the car with Dad on the way to school I decided it was worth my time to try my luck again. My stomach was already working up to another trip to the loo and I still felt hot, especially in the stuffy school uniform I had to wear.
When I told Dad I wasn't feeling well he just chuckled and shook his head, "you never get sick Jack. That French test got you worried?"
I groaned and shut my eyes. Apparently everyone had remembered the test except for me, and it was not working in my favour at all.
"It's not about the French test Dad, my stomach hurts..." I whined childishly.
We pulled in the school gates and the car jolted to a stop in the front if the car park. Dad tapped my leg, "I'm sure you'll survive, goodbye."

"But Dad-"
He leaned across me and opened my door with a pointed look, "bye, Jack."
Seeing as people were starting to look I decided that it'd be easier to just get out of the car. dad wasn't going to be changing his mind anytime soon anyway. Him and Mum were as stubborn as each other, I don't know how the two of them ever made any decisions together.
Not bothering to hide my annoyance I shot Dad a glare and grabbed my bag off the floor. Dad simply smiled and waved as he pulled the door closed after me, rolling down the window so that he could say goodbye before leaving me.
I waved him off begrudgingly and then turned to face the school, already holding my twisting stomach. If I just blocked everything out and droned through the day maybe it would go faster.

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