Another something... parts one and two

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Niall adjusted his grip on Louis' waist while he stumbled forward, eyes barely open, "shit okay, hey, lean on me more, mate, it's fine."

The guy had not had a good couple of days.

What had started off as what was thought to be a little bit of mild food poisoning had turned out to be some kind of nasty stomach flu that had him utterly miserable and totally leaked of energy. Doing the concert the night before hadn't helped matters at all but management had claimed that if he took enough medication he would be back to his usual perky self.

The medicines lasted about an hour in his system before he brought the lot of it back up and still had to perform. He did just about as well as you'd expect him to considering that he'd been hovering over a toilet all day. 

When the concert was finally over he was even worse, sobbing about a migraine and vomiting every half hour. It was getting hard to handle on a tour bus but still management wasn't willing to let up and they had denied the boys request of stopping at a hotel for a couple of days rest.

Then, during the night the problem doubled in size and all of a sudden the curly haired lad was throwing up left right and center as well. Liam and Niall were run down and caring for the on the claustrophobic bus wasn't an easy job. The whole thing was just a mess.

Soon the bus driver decided he'd had enough of it and pulled into a hotel, whether it be because he genuinely wanted to help them or he was just sick of the smell of puke, the boys were grateful. Management didn't seem overly impresses but so far they were getting away with it.

So now they were moving everything and everyone into the room they'd just booked. Niall was pretty much carrying Louis and Liam was leading a pale Harry with a hand on his shoulder. 

When they finally made it to room 19, Liam shoved the key in the lock and pushed the door open to reveal a quaint room with an small, old-school blue kitchen and two double beds. The white sheets made Liam cringe a little but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Alright, home sweet home then, in we go." 

Liam gently pushed Harry through the doorway and Niall followed, staggering a little under the weight of Louis in his arms. He'd fallen asleep at some point and his head was lolling over the Irish man's shoulder as quiet snores echoed from his lips.

Niall tried to put him down on the closest bed ans gently as he could but his grip slipped at the last second and Louis hit the mattress with a thud, his eyes shooting open in surprise. He swallowed audibly and Niall grimaced, knowing that he'd just triggered something that wasn't going to be exactly pleasant to sit through for the either of them.

Louis' hand went to his mouth and Niall searched the room desperately, his gaze finally landing on a waste bin in the corner.He grabbed it and rushed back over to the bed to hold it underneath Louis' chin.

 Louis' lips and eyes remained zipped shut but his shoulders were lurching ever couple of seconds as he held the heaves back.

"Lou, what are you doing? It's alright, mate you've gotta get it out of you or you'll make yourself feel worse" Niall said, one hand rubbing up and down Louis' alarmingly sweaty back.

On the other side of the room Harry had a pillow clutched over his head,  trying to block out the sounds he knew were coming in the near future. 

The bus driver appeared at the door with the bags and upon seeing the scene that was going on he quickly put them down and scurried away.

Louis gagged and Niall's hand tightened on his T-shirt in fright. He quickly loosened his hold and soothed Louis while he threw up stomach acid and water into the bin, agonising gasps escaping from his mouth as he tried to breathe.

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