Niall sick- for DHMORREGO

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Waking up is supposed to be a pleasant thing. Blinking in the sunlight, stretching out your limbs, and then getting up and feeling ready for the day ahead. Or afternoon.

When I decided on a quick nap after I'd eaten lunch I didn't expect to wake up with the headache of the century rampaging through my skull. I hadn't even opened my eyes when the intense pain hit me like a brick to the face and I couldn't help the pitchy groan that escaped my lips. It was right behind my eyes, pulsing angrily.

I regretted waking up right away and tried to go back to sleep with a tight grip on the duvet underneath me. Ignoring the pain was impossible, and sleep felt light years away. It wasn't going to work.

I was going to have to get up and find something to dull the headache, at least just a bit so I could relax. I breathed out and opened my eyes, resisting the urge to bury my head under a pillow or throw the lamp on the bedside table at the sun though the window. 

Wiping the wet creases of my eyes, I slowly picked myself up out of bed. Despite moving at the pace of a disabled snail my vision still went completely dark as all the blood rushed to my head. The pounding only seemed louder in the darkness and I sighed in relief when it faded away. 

The sunlight was hardly any better.

My legs felt half numb as I shuffled out of my room. I had no idea where my feet were landing but as long as they didn't cross and send me sprawling out on the floor I didn't really care.

I had to put a steadying hand on the wall as I went into the kitchen and I found myself questioning my ability to even make it to the cabinet with the pills inside. My eyes were back to being shut, only opening the slightest while I checked I was heading in the right direction.

I was barely three steps away from the cupboard when my trodded on somebody's toes heavily, earning a pained grunt out of the unlucky person. My reaction was slightly delayed, but my eyes widened and I stumbled back a step, blurting a quick apology.

"Niall, dude, watch where you're going." Louis shook his foot out a few times, "and watch your back too, because I'm definitely gonna get you back for that."

One side of my mouth lifted for about a third of a second before dropping, as if I didn't even have the energy to smile.

"Hey! Sleeping beauty's finally awoken!" Harry teased as he came into the kitchen. He put an empty bowl into the dishwasher and grinned at me cheerfully. 

Again, I couldn't even bring myself to smile back. The longer I was on my feet the more intense the thumping was getting and I was just about ready to let my legs collapse like they so badly wanted to.

Louis nudged my hip with his as he sashayed over to the fridge and I groaned as the jolt vibrated through my whole body, like a shock wave. If I wasn't so close to the counter I probably would've fallen over.

 I hadn't had a headache like this in a long time, where simply standing up was such a mission.

"You good, Ni?" Harry questioned with a frown, and Louis laid an apologetic had on my shoulder, "sorry mate."

His hand was warm and welcoming and without even thinking about it I moved back closer to Louis until I could feel his heat. All of a sudden I just wanted to sit up against someone, like I used to with Mum when I was a kid.

"Got a headache, migraine," I replied quietly as I regained a bit of balance. My own voice sounded foreign for some reason, I couldn't quite believe that it was even me talking.

Harry pulled a sympathetic face, "aw, I didn't think you looked quite alright."

"Can you grab some painkillers for me, please?" I asked, pointing a lame finger at the cabinet.

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