Louis- for onedirectionsickfics

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"Uh...lads... don't shoot the messenger, but I've just gotten a text that says our breaks been cancelled next week, they're shipping us to America again for a couple private concerts Liam peeked up from his phone meekly, prepared to be shouted at.

They'd all been planning to go visit home for the past month, and now it was all being pushed aside yet again. Liam was upset, and angry, but he knew that the others would probably be even more mad.

"You better be kidding around Li because if not I swear to god I will pitch a proper fit" Harry stated, his knuckles stark white from his tightening grip on the arm of the couch.

"No way!" Niall exclaimed in surprise.

Across the room Louis' heart plummeted. His eyes widened and he scrabbled out of his seat to grab his phone off his bed. He silently pleaded to himself as the screen lit up. Sure enough there was a text, and uncontrollable tears filled his eyes when he read it through and realised that Liam hadn't been lying.

He punched his phone against the mattress and hurriedly wiped the unspilled tears from his eyes. He loved being on tour with his friends and Harry, there was no doubt about it but this time around he was really struggling with spending so much time away from his family, especially with everything that had happened. He was finding it even harder than he had his first ever tour, he hadn't felt this way in a long time.

And now the date he had been counting on to yank him out of the dreadful homesickness had been cancelled.

He took a breath and let his fist uncurl as the air flooded out of him. No one else had mentioned anything about feeling like he did and he didn't want the rest of the band to feel like they had to look out for him, he was the oldest. He looked out for everybody else, not the other way around.

"Lou baby, are you okay?"

Louis swallowed the lump in his throat and swiveled to face Harry, "I'll get over it."

Harry's heart broke at the audible crack in Louis' voice. The moment Liam had told them all about the text Harry knew how much it would hurt his boyfriend. Louis had been tightly-wound for the last couple of weeks, he had nightmares in the middle of the night sometimes and he just seemed sad. Harry had of course asked him about it, he'd never seen Louis they way he was before and he needed to know that he was okay. Louis had just said he was missing home a little, pretending as if it wasn't a big deal, but Harry knew Louis. He knew that Louis tended to downplay things.

He was worried.

Harry sauntered over to the bedside, holding Louis' glassy gaze in his own.

"I know how much you wanted this Lou" he frowned as he sat down in a half cross-legged position beside Louis, one leg stretched out while the other was tucked in, "you don't have to tell me what you think I want to hear. I just want to know how you feel Love."

"Well, I feel" Louis swallowed and blinked, grinning at Harry as if his chest didn't feel like it had a massive whole in it, "hungry. Should we go down to the buffet?"

He was being immature. He had Harry, and Harry had more than enough love to keep his heart warm and his chest full. His family would be right where they always were when he got to see them again in a couple of months. He would be okay to wait.

Harry nodded slowly, not believing Louis' act for a second.

"Great, I'll go see if the others want to come along" Louis bounded off the bed, clenching his shaking hands into fists again so Harry wouldn't question him about it.


That night Harry woke up to a piercing scream that made his breath catch in his throat. He hurriedly rolled over to see Louis's back arched and even in the darkness he could the pain his lover was going through. The screaming reduced to sobbing as Harry quickly sat up and pulled Louis up against the headboard by his sweaty waist.

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