Bad colds- for Ram_3500

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I'd spent the last two days doing nothing but sniffling, coughing, sneezing, and complaining. My eyes itched constantly, my throat was on fire eighty percent of the time, and I'd blown my nose enough time to make the skin raw and painful. No amount of painkillers could ease my headache and my face down to my chest just felt hot and thick with congestion.

To make matters a hundred times worse, I was currently on stage performing. Thank the lord we were on our final song because I didn't want to sing another word. The whole show had been somewhat of a disaster considering the whole lot of us were struggling to sing past scratchy throats and plugged noses, it had felt like an eternity up there under all those hot lights.

"Sorry for the mess of a show guys, hopefully we can come back one day and show you what a real One Direction concert is like," Harry rasped, his head warm resting on my shoulder.
"Thanks for having us." Liam waved. My head throbbed at the screams that echoed throughout the arena as we finally headed backstage.

Louis collapsed onto the floor with a dramatic sigh the second we reached ground floor and were out of view. He rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling with misty eyes, "that was awful. We sounded like shit."
"You'll catch something worse than a cold if you stay down there on that rank floor," Liam croaked warningly. Louis just shrugged, "if I get some foreign disease that almost kills me at least management will give us the break we've been asking for."
Harry rolled his eyes and grunted in exertion as he pulled Louis up off the ground, "you have a cold Lou, we don't even need a break."
"Speak for yourself," Liam said, yawning widely and wincing as his throat stretched.

"Can we just stop talking and go back to the bus?" I whined impatiently. Now was definitely not the time to be messing around.
"Agreed," Louis coughed.
The pace wasn't exactly quick, but thankfully we all made it back to our temporary road home all in one piece. I almost fell on my face when Liam gave me a boost from behind to get me up the stairs but other than that it was all smooth sailing.

Once sitting down, Liam instantly began sneezing into his hands.
"One-" the rest of us counted, "two-three-four-five-six. . ."
Liam glared up at us with watering eyes and twitching nostrils.
"Seven, and eight!" Louis laughed. I grimaced and leaned away as he started coughing wetly into his fist. Harry biffed over what must've been at least the fifth tissue box we'd gone through and both Liam and Louis dug out a handful to clean themselves up.
I took one too sat back into the couch, holding it to my running nose. At this point blowing hurt like a bitch and I didn't want to wake myself up further, knowing I was so congested it was going to be hard to sleep at all.

Harry rubbed his nose and stood up with a groan, "I'm gonna hit the hay."
"Take me with you?" Louis held up his arms as if Harry would pick him up and carry him to his bunk. Harry just scoffed and sauntered past, plucking himself a pocketful of tissues on his way past. Louis complained after him and rolled onto his feet to shuffle behind him.

"Do you want something to drink Ni?" Liam said in a crackly voice as he stood to road the fridge.
"Something hot maybe," I murmured. Talking tickled and made me sneeze a couple of times, causing a strained bless you to come from Liam's mouth,
"Yeah, there's not much in here. . ." Liam sighed, swinging the fridge door closed and switching on the electric jug.
Liam rubbed his forehead and nodded, "yeah, that's what I'm having,"

I had to stop Liam when he tried to hand my drink to me. The tickle from my nose had moved to my throat and chest and it made me need to cough. If I tried taking it from him I was going to spill it everywhere. Liam looked confused until I started hacking under the collar of my shirt, knees up.

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