Louis heatstroke- for stckholmlilo

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It had definitely been an interesting day so far.

Being ankle high in water upon getting out of bed was quite a shock, and realising that my whole house was practically a shallow pond was another surprise I woke up to this morning.

Somehow the boys and I had managed to completely flood out the house we were living in for the time being. My main guess was that someone had clogged up the toilet, no matter how much they all denied it over and over again. 

Anyway, we'd been kicked out onto the streets while it was dealt with, all still in flannel pajamas might I add. And they were flannel because it had been cold last night, quite possibly because of the water flowing all through the house.

None of us were too perky at nine o' clock in the morning but we'd decided to go find breakfast. Apparently none of the cafes near were willing to serve 'four hooligans in their pj's' so we were kicked out of five cafes as well as our own house. 

We even tried the celebrity card a couple of times, but still we were turned away.

So now we were down at the beach. It was only just past eleven but it was already stifling hot, probably just hitting the 86 mark.

I was bored shitless, sitting there on the sand as the sun blared down on my back. Looking around I could tell everyone else was too, Harry was trying to touch his nose with his tongue and Niall was staring at a single speck of sand with an almost amusing amount of concentration while Liam was just watching the horizon with a blank look on his face.

There was a low grumble and Niall winced sheepishly.

"I'm starving, ya know? My stomach's gonna start eating itself if we don't find a distraction sometime soon," he whined, but he had a point. We needed something to help get our minds off the fact that our house might possibly being sinking into the ground, or that we hadn't eaten in almost 15 hours.

Something hit my leg and I looked down to see a soccer ball stuck under my knee. 

Speaking of distractions.

 I realised that someone must've kicked it and glanced up to see a couple of young boys no older than four watching me. They looked kinda scared but I figured it was just because we looked like a bunch of hobos sleeping on the beach.

Might as well use it to my advantage.

I kept my face void and stared straight back at the two of them. The blond was already trying to pull his friend away, whispering to him and tugging on his arm and after a second of hesitation the other kid gave in and they walked away, shoulders slumped.

I smiled, glad that their parents had told them not to talk to strangers.

Liam raised an amused eyebrow, "did you just take that soccer ball from those kids. Lou?" 

"They didn't ask for it back?"

 I shrugged sheepishly, "don't look at me like that, I'm bored okay?"

"I'm not looking at you like anything, I would've done the same thing." Liam chuckled and got to his feet, " come on, I'll kick it around a bit with ya."

"I'm in too!" 

Niall waved an arm up as Harry let out an excited squeal and I turned to see that he'd managed to stretch his tongue all the way up to his nose and was looking mighty damn proud of himself.

After twenty minutes it started to get competitive, we were divided into two teams, Liam and I verses Harry and Niall and then people started recognising us and to mix up the game a bit we asked them if they wanted to play with us. 

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