Harry sick- request

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This is another request where I just forgot to write down the username of the person who requested it, I'm so sorry to whoever sent me this prompt. Let me know if it was yours and I'll fix it all up for ya :)

I couldn't help but snort as Harry shuffled into the kitchen with the fluffy blanket cocooned around his body and his tissues tucked under his arm. He looked as if he'd just slipped straight out of a hundred year coma.

"We're staying in today right?" He croaked, his voice hardly audible. 

"Listening to you now I think that might be best." I stated with an amused smile, "your voice is totally wrecked."

He gave a pitiful cough and filled up his glass wearily before sitting down beside me at the table, shivering at the sensation of the cold surface beneath him. He'd been sick with this cold for a few days now and although he was trying to stay on top of it with pills it was obvious it was running the usual course of getting worse before it got better anyway.

With a wet sniffle he tried to rub the remaining sleepiness from his face. It had no affect, he still looked like he was about to drop off mid-sentence. His eyes were red and puffy as was his nose while his lips were cracked and his skin was paler than normal. He pulled the blanket closer as several more shivers shook through him relentlessly.

I shook my head with a sigh as I stood up, "trust you to get the first winter cold Hazza."

"It's me every year..." He whined miserably, spitting another cough into his fist. This one lead to a series of coughs that I could hear rattling in his chest. I patted his back a few times before taking my bowl over to the sink to rinse off. I paused for a few moments behind the bench after I'd put my dishes in the dishwasher, I had no idea what I was going to do now.

I guess I was supposed to change out of the clothes that I had slept in, but if we weren't going anywhere was there really any point? I could just have a lazy day in my PJ's, sit in front of the TV.

Another fit of harsh coughing from Harry snapped me out of my thoughts, drawing my gaze over to him.

"Take a drink mate, there's water right in front of you" I pointed out.

He shook his head and sucked in a massive breath of air before getting back to barking his guts up. Niall came into the room with an easy smile, moving to thump the coughs out of Harry, "you had me up the entire night with this coughing Harry!"

"Can't help it" Harry choked uselessly.

"I know mate, I'm only messing with you" Niall chuckled as he eased the last of Harry's coughs out. "You should probably take something though, it's starting to sound quite painful."

Harry nodded and dropped his head into his hand tiredly, "it is."
""I can get you some of that cough stuff if you'd like?" Niall volunteered.
"It didn't work last night" Harry rasped doubtfully.
"Worth a shot though, surely" Niall smiled.
"Ill grab it" I offered, "I've already eaten breakfast."

Niall and Harry both grinned at me thankfully as I reached up into the cupboard where I knew the horrid medicine was kept. Niall tossed a couple of pieces of bread into the toaster and sat down next to Harry where I was before and they chatted quietly about who knows what while I measured out the recommended dosage, my face involuntarily screwing up at just the sight and the smell of it. I couldn't stand anything to do with liquid medicine, I hated it.

"Here" I pushed it across the table to Harry distastefully, earning a laugh out of Niall. He knew as well as the others how much I detested it.

Harry sculled it back without complaint, coughing a few times afterward. He moaned at the taste and stood up. His chair screeched loudly on the ground making everyone cringe. After a rough apology he shuffled into the lounge and out of sight.

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