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Hi, author here. I'd like to thank you for giving my story a shot. I'm busy with school and other necessities so all apologies if updates aren't weekly or meet your expectations, if anyone really reads my shit-writing.

   "Don't go into the forest alone," they told her. "You will regret, ya know," her father's voice always warned her.

"(Y/N), you're crazy. You can't just go off into the forest like that," the voice of her friend argued.

"You? Going off into the woods alone like that? With that.... Killer, out there? You crazy or something?!" Another person yelled.

She wasn't listening to the voices of reason. Not today, not tomorrow. Never. They lived and built lives off of normality. Fitting in. Being connected and all the same.


She wanted the adventure. She thrived off of her abnormalities. She wasn't just about to let the chance to adventure into the woods go unnoticed, especially after the recent disappearances. It was like the girl had a death wish, or something.

Her goal was to find them. The missing people, that is. Or at least something that could help her.

The police just weren't doing their jobs. People were going missing, and quickly. And what were those lazy, do it eating jerks doing? Apparently, they were "working on it." Well, it doesn't seem that way, since the first missing children's case was at the beginning of May. It's September now, and a total of 12 people are gone. They've just vanished.

With her own research, the people going missing was first a mentally ill child, and then someone of a mentally ill past, and then a man. And then over. And over again.

Its happened 4 times. After finding this, she brought it in. What did they do, though? They laughed her off. In her face. Told her to get back to school, like normal teens should.

She was infuriated. She felt like she was doing all of the work.

After angry phone calls to the cops, she got into contact with a woman she thought might help. She was the mother of a young child, Sam Duncan. He had a case of psychosis, at only age 11.

She sobbed to the girl. "I just want my kid back," she exclaimed. This was around the time of the second attack.

And so (Y/N) made a decision. She wasn't gonna let this poor go without answers.

She needed to help these people, even if it was dangerous for her.

Madison park was the places the victims experienced strange episodes in. After a few days, the people went missing.

Looking into the case, she found that some missing people had even strangely woke up in Madison park, had serious blackouts in Madison. Some claim seeing people in the woods.

So, that's why she was going. Her friends and family didn't understand, but they would if it was her that went missing.

In her bag was a camera, her phone, a knife, a journal and a few pens. No one could blame her for the knife.

She took notice of the people in the park. A red headed man, who was on his phone. A girl next to him on her phone on the swings. Boring. Boring.

In the woods, the air was thick; a smell of strong crisp autumn leaves, but despite it being a neutral day, it gave shivers down her spine. Alright, yellow flags.

Whatever, the forest was cold. That was nothing. She dismissed this feeling and continued down the poorly made path.

She stopped a few minutes later.

A bunch of bs about there being something in these woods. I feel fine here. A little cold, but that's nothing. I'm dipping out of this.

Suddenly, after putting the journal away, and looking back up, she took notice of the darkness. It wasn't that dark before, was it? Nah, it couldn't of been, right?

She checked her clock, feeling a tingling sensation at the back of her throat. She coughed, then read 6:23 on her watch. Didn't she get here at 5 pm? It hadn't been that long, had it?

Her arms felt stiff, as a wave of wind hit the back of her neck. Her body froze and shivers went down her spine. She let out a rough cough as she stood hastily back up.

The snapping of twigs averted her gaze to the corner of her eye as she felt a jolt of pain in her head.

"Ow, fuck.." She muttered, now rubbing her head. She coughed again. "I'm getting the fuck out of here," she thought as she began to head back.

Checking her watch again, it read 6:52. What the fuck?! Now this was fucking weird.

She began quickly walking back as she heard.. Something.  It sounded like an old radio, or faint whispering. She brushed it off as someone walking  in the woods without headphones.

Wait. Someone in the woods? No one came back here. She fastened her pace until she was almost running, the forest's air getting thicker, the scene getting darker.

She was scared. She was so scared. But she was more confused then anything. She felt her body go weak, as she hears loud footsteps. She didn't even have time to react as she was tackled to the ground.

She struggled, her bag flew to the side as her hands were on each side of her. She attempted to get away, then she heard talking.

Her vision was blurry, but she could make out a face. No.. That wasn't a fucking face, it was a mask.

Her eyes widened in fear as she attempted to keep rational thought, but she grew so tired as the person over her muttered incoherent words.

Her vision was almost black when she heard loud ringing, as she person wearing the mask snapped his head to the side. That was all she remembered before waking up in her bed the next say, freezing, pale, but drenched in sweat. Her heater was on low, but she didn't feel like turning it on.

Her breathing was ragged, her heart raced as she recalled memories from the dream. God, it was awful.

She sat up, a feeling of dread following her as she went. She stood up, but found that she was still in the same clothes she was wearing in the dream.

That's right. She looked on confusion as she threw off her red sweater, looking at it. It was dirty, covered in grass stains. Her face twisted in disgust at the smell.. Smoke, foliage, sweat. She threw it in the laundry and began to take off her shorts. She stopped.

On her body, right under her chest, were words. Backwards, though.

In fear, she ran to her mirror and stared at the message,written in all caps.



Her heart stopped as she felt the feeling of dread overcome her. Her body had a few scratches on it, dirt marks, her body pale.

She slowly walked into her bathroom, about to take a shower. When she took of her shorts, a piece of paper fell out.

She opened the paper, which was written in all caps like the last one.


She felt like vomiting. She was fucked.

The clock read 9:36, it was Friday. Tomorrow, she wondered if she would ever make it home. If she would ever get those missing people home.

And if she would turn out missing just like all those other people.

INTO THE WOODS (Masky x reader x Hoodie)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ