2. The Proposal

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The Pearly white walls around the city rose as high as two stories off the ground. Twinkling textures of white and green swirled in the seams of the walls dancing in dainty design as the strong will of the wall separated the city inside from the enemies of the forest that engulfed it and the sea port where it kissed the sea.

Little did they know that the defenders of the wall were far more dangerous than any that had dared challenge them before. However, it wasn't a cold barrier, banning all from their basic needs of community. It was simply the skin of the beating heart of the living city living in harmony if not fueling the forest around her. The forest frolicked in and around the solid walls.

Crème colored roads and fantastic buildings stretched and curled around trees as natural as if nature had grown the buildings themselves. The city looked like a cream-colored geode half buried in lush forest. Rainbows of light shine like ribbons off the peaks of the buildings they illuminated the many-colored plants that grew in groves around the city. Many animals big and small freely lived with one another and roamed the city from the giant eagles that made their nests in the safety of the city's tallest trees to the foxes that slinked from shadow to shadow.

In the center of the city rose a brilliant castle that reached for the sky like a pillar of pearl and diamonds. The castle had four towers made of the same material, but each had stain glass windows facing one of the cardinal directions and represented one of the four basic elements.

Over the course of this day in particular the residents of the city elf, and creature alike were summoned to the castle for a very special event.

Their founder Calloway Calphius Guildmaster of the Elves of the North Wind guild had something special planned.

Calloway walked down the carpeted aisle of the great hall in the castle. A ruby rug led up to an alabaster chair built on a dais riddle with emerald inlays of flourishing vines.

The room was full to bursting with Elves dressing in their best clothes. Beautiful women and sharp featured men in fabulous clothes.

People weren't the only souls in the room. Many animals stood at attention patiently waiting. This room was full of the city's most powerful defenders, every single seemingly innocuous citizen and beast was actually a powerful warrior or monster in their own right. Cal had even created Elementals that could take on elven shapes to blend in with the population. He even recruited various creature tribes like nymphs, dryads, and slimes as rewards from rare or secret quests to help defend and upkeep the city.

However, with all the powerful beings defending the city none were as distinguished as the Sylvan knights. Six elf NPC's capable of going toe-to-toe with human players. They were on par with what gamers called Boss Monsters.

Unlike the enemies that roamed the world just waiting for players to massacre in the name of Experience points. The Boss monsters found at the ends of caves or dungeons were several times stronger and smarter than the monsters that randomly generated around the world.

In total there were several hundreds of guests, and thanks to Calloway's not so subtle preferences, at least 70% were beautiful women. In all of the maidens of the City of Perils no rose was as beautiful or as dangerous as Princess Dravenkin, the treasured warrior princess of the City of Perils.

Princess Shayley O'heira Van Dravenkin stood at the end of the great hall. Her beautiful throne was merely a token backdrop compared to the princess's beauty, and on either side of her were the six Sylvan Knights that guarded her and the castle.

The Princess's dress put the entire congregation to shame in shear extravagance and beauty. It wasn't something she'd usually wear, but today was a special occasion.

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now