89. The Final Act: The Dravenkin

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Finally, the main event was under way.

Royal guard filed in from the entrance down the carpet. They then separated pushing the crowd back to clear the center of the room. Every one of the guests clattered to get out of the way.

Shayley's voice quieted the peanut gallery.

"Welcome, friends and loyal subjects, one and all. We have gathered for a very special occasion today as we welcome new family into our ranks.

Some of you may be surprised at their appearances or hold on to hard feelings and old grudges. This is the time to throw those away! This may be new and confusing to some of you, and a new experience for most of us. However, like my fiancé would say before we dived into the unknown; 'Let's go on an adventure!'"

Shayley made a motion at the guards to reopen the front doors. They had been closed while Shayley gave her introduction, but now they were opening to reveal five columns of different races as they began to enter the room.

"What are we supposed to do now, master?" Seamus asked Cal.

"This is Shayley's show now. We wait, and play our supporting roles if we need to." Cal whispered.

The first column were the Dravenkin, led by Shayley's Father and mother. Her mother had stayed behind to govern the nomadic Dravenkin while Steinman and Ten'lo went to the city. Following them were an assortment of Dravenkin elites both men and women. They were all carrying bundles except for Shayley's parents.

Next were the waspkin. The Queen sat upon a platform that was being carried by specially dressed soldiers.

She had the air of an elegant older woman yet still beautiful and well... very shapely. Taking up most of the platform was her enlarged thorax resting on numerous well placed cushions. Elegant loose-fitting garments and golden jewelry covered most of her form. The platform had two levels; one high enough for her thorax to rest on, and the lower one full of shimmering treasure. It was also set up so that the Queen could ride it in a sitting position to keep up her elegant status despite her size.

Beside the queen, a few steps back from being in front of her, was Vincent. Behind her were her royal guard. All women. They had on fancy black and golden armor that matched their race's natural features. Each one of them looked strong, powerful, and absurdly feminine. Their waists were unusually thin and it only accented their larger hips needed to hold their thoraxes, their chests also weren't lacking but they weren't nearly as well-endowed as the Queen.

Their backs were bare, to reveal their wings. Although each one of them had a sword strapped to their sides, they each carried a shield and spear. The front most one had a flag attached to the top of her spear.

Next to them were the impressive frames of the Driders, or Arachne as they liked to be called. In the front were giant spider warriors lead by Saltif. Behind them were more nervous looking smaller Arachne who didn't seem as battle hardened as the foremost group.

The front group wore more than just strands of silk, like when they first met, in the form of leather and plate armor. (obviously made from high level monster hide). Guess the druids educated them in the ways of city modesty, as little as the elves had overall.

The smaller group stood out.
They were wearing lavish dresses and suits that gracefully provoked, more than hid, their uniquely spidery features on both the men and women. They carried bundles of woven fabric as well as fangs that could have come from no other creature than a dragon.

Next to them were them Lamia's. Due to their forms, they staggered their line-up so they could fit in a more orderly fashion.

Across their race, Lamia were all female. To compensate for some of their weakness in direct combat, they would use their bodies to seduce and entangle their prey. Unlike the waspkin race who were mostly female, the Lamia's were bred for clever seduction and their provocative dresses emphasized just how adept they were at their unique skillset. Each dress was tailor-made to match or complement that Lamia's uniquely colored or patterned tail.

At the front of their zig-zagging line was the matriarchal Queen of the Lamia who wore a slightly more modest dress. Although it could be considered more modest, the added lace, jewelry, and attitude did a lot to set her above the rest in terms of sensuality.

Following behind her was her daughter, Cinthea whose appearance was only rivaled by her mother's. Ladies-in-waiting followed closely behind them carrying boxes.

At the end of the line of tails were their Amazonian huntresses who had leather and steel armor added perfectly to their dresses to the point where they were almost more alluring in a dangerous kind of way.

Last were the harpies. The harpies were another race that were almost exclusively female that when a male was born they often felt out of place and left with their wives or became solitary hunters. Most of the harpies had as many different colored feathers as there were birds in the world, and most of them were chatty adolescent girls who looked no older than Seamus.

At the front of the line of chatty girls in their colorful dresses there were three who stood apart than the rest. Three black and white patterned bird-people held themselves upright and regal.

At the forefront was the queen, she had a long elegant dress. She looked about as old as a college student and the air of her maturity set her apart from the rest of the harpies. Her wings were black and white like a snow owl's.

Behind her was a white dove of a girl wrapped in white. She kept fiddling with the front of her dress in her lap. Her eyes kept darting toward Seamus, every time she looked at him a striking color appeared on her cheeks until she looked away... and then back... and then away... and back again.

Standing a head above the line and only a little taller than the snow owl was a raven boy. A rare male with intelligent eyes that were glazed over with a lack of sleep that only Seamus could truly appreciate. He was wearing a baggy silk shirt and greaves with leather guards on his shins.

When the line of harpies saw Seamus, they started squealing with glee. One look from the great owl shut them up, but as soon as she looked away they were back to chattering.

Just when everyone thought they were done with surprises, four people nobody thought they'd see showed up. Elenora and her party lead by Prince Killian and the Beastkin Princess.

Once they reached their predetermined places they kneeled or bowed as best as they could.

Once again, the princess's voice silenced the hall.

"Today, we have all gathered here to welcome these souls into our family. We have extended our hands out to them and they have taken it. Raise your heads and present yourself before your new kin."

Steinman was the first to stand and speak.

"My wonderful daughter, Princess of the Pearly city. You have grown into a fine woman with a strong people. Although you have been away from the Clan for many years, we are proud of you, and your city. This has been a long time coming, it is a rare thing for a father to bow before his daughter, but even as your father I am still the patriarch of the Dravenkin.

As Patriarch, I swear me and my clan to you from this day forth. Our forces are yours to command and our people yours to govern as you will. I also dedicate my eldest, and four of my elite guard to the ranks of your chosen Guild, the Verdant Oathkeepers, who have left more than an adequate impression on us."

"I accept your fealty, welcome to the Pearly City, father."

"You are most gracious, your majesty. As tribute, we have brought an assortment or rare furs and other fruits of the dark forest." Steinman waved his hand motioning the Dravenkin holding bags forward.

Shayley nodded, and then Clera summoned servants to stand in front of the throne and accept the tribute as it was brought forward.

"Your tribute has been accepted, may our bounds continue as family."

Steinman bowed and stepped back. 

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