59. Initiation

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Cal had stunned his two guards and had Groveon pressed up against the far wall.

"I'm going to make this very clear, noble blood of the Sediki house. If anything happens to my daughter, I will break every law and taboo to make your existence a nightmare. This is not a threat, this is a promise, the Sediki's house's well-being in this city is completely dependent on that little girl. If you don't do everything in your power to make sure something doesn't happen to her, your entire name will vanish, it will be as if it never existed."

"Impossible." He tried to deny the validity of Cal's threat.

"I've traveled the world and faced off against giants as tall as the castle, led armies against demons and great ones powerful enough to raze nations, and faced enough foes to fill this city to the brim ten-fold. Now I dare you to finish your threat against my family!"

The aura around Cal actually became visible and glowed a deep crimson, several of the lower level spectators collapsed from the blood lust.

All of the color and fight was forcibly exorcised from the noble.

Cal let a moment pass to collect his anger. With one last deep breath he dispelled the bloodlust with a smile and set the noble back on his feet. He brushed off the noble's clothes straightening out the wrinkles.

"Now, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

The noble scrambled out the door.

"Well, I've really done it now. I'm going to have to put the raid on hold for now. Wendy! Send a messenger to Kadoka's fluffy dragon down by the docks. Tell them I want them on standby for a couple of days. Nyana!"

The Catgirl smiled and bounded over to him.

"Yes Meowster."

"I need to blow off some steam, I'm feeling rusty and on edge."

Ten'lo who was still in the room remembered him duking it out with Dakota the other day and wondered if the cute little catgirl could withstand his assault.

"Certainly Meowster," she curtseyed.

"Tiki, drop a barrier around the two of us." Cal cracked his knuckles.

Tiki snapped her fingers.

This wasn't only about blowing steam. Ever since that dream Cal's movement were rough. Before it was like muscle memory was all that he needed. His body moved on its own almost like having training wheels. Now he felt like he was a toddler in an adult's body. No, it was closer to an infant in superman's body after thinking about how he tripped using flash step or when he sent that giant dire wolf flying.

Although Yan took a headbutt, Nyana was a monk and monks had the highest base Health points. If anyone could take a misplaced overpowered punch it was her.

"Any time you're ready."

Nyana didn't even respond, she just maintained her signature disarming smile and started swinging.

Before he knew it Nyana struck him sixteen times and finished with a kick to his face. Although he could see every attack, he landed on his butt all the same.

[Nyana deals 1,604 damage]

It was just her opening attack but Cal's health bar didn't show any noticeable movement.

"You're very hardy meowster, but you're slower than I expected."

"I said I was rusty, didn't I?"

Cal decided to test out a flip, he managed to leap off the ground and land on his feet without any issue.

Well at least he managed to get his legs working alright. Now it was time to throw a few light punches.

However, Nyana's cat-like reflexes were nothing to sneeze at, even if she wasn't at his level. He truly felt that the natural Beatkin's agility exceeded his elementals in many aspects. If Alea could learn such fluid movements she'd be even closer to being undefeatable. Landing a strike on Nyana was almost impossible while he was holding back.

In the meantime, Nyana could strike him easily, but nothing she did could make his life bar dip in the slightest, with his health being so high and regenerating too fast.

Cal had put his disciples through hell training, it was time for his own. But he found that he was having more and more fun the longer he sparred. When he got too close to Nyana he could hear her purring between giggles.

Guess you can't be an adventurer in this age without a healthy lust for death defying danger.

He decided to test out how greater flash step works in battle. He tested it out by running at her and kicking behind him. He teleported behind her and simultaneously kicked her butt. No really, he kicked her in the butt so hard she flew into the barrier.

"Meew." Smoke came out of Nyana head as her eyes spun.

"Damn, well at least I'm getting the hang of this. Nyana are you okay?"

Cal went over to Nyana.

"Mew meow, all the ow. Yan and long full of song." Nyana was muttering loopy nonsense.

Well she ain't dead. That was good.

"Okay Yan, you're up."

"Sir!" Seamus spoke up.

"Yes, cabin boy?"

"Doesn't this seem excessive?"

"Tussling with the Guildmaster has become something of a rite of passage, it would be rude to leave her out. Besides look at her child-like eagerness."

Seamus looked at Yan and instantly backed down with fear.

Yan was smiling, but she was cloaked with darkness. She was a haunting visage, if she had been on a battlefield, just her smile alone could cause dissention in the enemy ranks.

The battle with Yan didn't take as long and wasn't nearly as rough since Cal was getting used to moving again. They used wooden swords and traded blows while he practiced the greater flash step, since practicing in the forest he didn't lose his balance as much. But Yan had better spatial awareness and could block him more effectively than Nyana.

With his overwhelming strength Cal soon disarmed her. But neither of them had enough after only one short bout. So they went at it two or five more times. 

Laughing the whole time.

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now