35. The Maid Cafe

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 [countdown to <Ragnarok>]

[1 month] [6 days]

Two elves exchanged pleasantries at the new "Guild" building. There was an outside area that Wendy had set up. Working with the elementals became easier with the badge that Calloway had given her she'd been able to set up a place to eat that rests in the sun.

"The elementals have been unusually cheery lately, haven't you noticed?" the blonde elf said while sipping at his water.

"No kidding, it's like been a major switch, the other day I saw a phoenix chatting with some dryads the other day. You don't normally see them in their elf form but when I noticed they stopped and waved at me." The silver haired elf exclaimed.

"The other day one of the foxes brought me a cookie."

"Me too!"

"I wonder what's going on."

"Do you think it has anything to do with those new statues of Brother Calloway?"

"I'm sure it does, it wasn't long after that when all the elementals started acting up."

"Oh and did you see Anastasia at the gate?"

"Of course, she been hanging off of that statue like it's her lover."

"I wouldn't mind being her lover, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, I do. I'll give the Good Brother one thing, he had good taste. I mean just look at the princess."

"Your order is here, two house specials and the recommended Victa Berry tea. Meow." A young cat girl in a maid uniform held a tray and began setting down their food.

"Why thank you, this place has the best food. And might I say that the staff are very well mannered." The silver elf flirted.

"Meow, you're going to make me blush. Moew don't forget the Verdant Oathkeepers guild is taking requests for quests." She smiled.

"The food here is astounding, I don't see why you're trying to make a guild when you could just make a successful restaurant." The blonde elf pointed at all the full tables, the restaurant was packed even with the outside addition.

"Meow don't say that, the only reason I got this job was so I could be still be an adventurer. Meow father was an adventurer and had all sorts of ameozing quests. Can't you picture me as an adventurer in some tight leather armor running around fighting meownsters?" She posed to let the two elves get good look at her curves.

The two elves blushed uncontrollably at the catgirls seductive pose.

Someone came up and bonked the cat girl on the back of the head. She had long straight black hair and an eyepatch covering a scar over her left eye.

"Meow, Yan that hewrt!" the cat girl cried.

"Table six has been waiting, Nyana." The human woman said. She turned to the two boys Nyana was talking to. She smiled but her toothy grin bypassed the charm she was going for and when straight to death threat. "She's right you know." She leaned into the table. "If we only got some Quests, you might all get to see us in our tight little outfits."

Her motivations were different than Nyana, who looked great in the maid uniform. Yan's feminine frame was built with hardened muscle, and even though she was two cup sizes bigger than Nyana she had too many edges to pull off cute café girl.

A loud commotion disturbed the peace of the city. The Elf boys were saved from Yan's "Flirting" as the commotion got closer and closer.

"Is that, no it can't be they hate cities." The silver haired elf commented.

"But you know the princess is, ow hot, hot." The blonde elf lost himself and accidently sipped his tea before blowing to cool it.

"Is that a pirate?"

Cal led a procession dressed in his pirate disguise. He held Ophelia by the hand and she was glowing. Everyone in the original party seemed content except for Naomi and Yvette, who were as bedraggled as homeless people.

Following the adventures party was a contingent of Dravenkin Elves, the one standing by Cal was practically twice his size.

The denizens of the city watched in awe as they strode up to the guild café.

"This is the guild building, it is... different from what I was expecting." Steinman mused as they stepped into the crowded restaurant.

Cal looked around his guild with disbelief. The guild he'd created transformed into a maid café.

"Wendy!" Cal shouted.

"Welcome home, Master," Wendy bowed.

"Wendy what is the meaning of this?" Cal was frantic as he looked around his guild.

"Master, this is all my fault. If you'll only allow me to explain-"

"YOU. ARE. A. GENIIUUS!!!" Cal shouted.


"I mean why didn't I think of that, the tavern right next door is manly enough if we didn't do something unique we'd never get noticed, and maid girls are so hot, it's perfect." Cal began ranting to himself.

"Wendy, why is papa like that, is he going to be okay?" Ophelia asked.

"I don't know if he was ever okay to begin with."

Wendy cleared her throat when it was obvious Cal wasn't going to stop anytime soon. "Master, what shall I do with your guests?"

"Oh yes, Wendy, this is Steinman the chief of the Dravenkin, his eldest son Ten'lo, and their personal guard. Everyone this is Wendy, the assistant Guildmaster. Wendy prepare a table for Steinman's men and treat them to our best grub, on the house."

"Certainly, master. Anything else?"

"I told Naomi and Yvette that they'd get a couple days off after what I put them through but..." Cal looked at the sisters who had collapsed on the floor. "they might need help."

He also instructed her to give some food to Alea, Tiki, Ophelia, and Fauna, while he stepped into his office with Steinman and Ten'lo.

"My my, so that's the guildmeowster." Nyana mused.

She took the orders from the Dravenkin guards, but when she walked away one of them made the mistake of trying to grope her ass. Before he knew it, he was on his on back halfway across the room. "for shame, this ass is for looking not touching, meow."

The next moment a dark presence fell over the table and Yan "smiled" at the guards. "Don't any of you want to touch my ass?"

The rest of the evening the Dravenkin guards were on their best behavior. The exact opposite of what Yan wanted, as she continued to "flirt" with them in her incompetently scary way.

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now