39. The Guildmaster's whimsy

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"That went about as well as I expected." Cal shrugged as he walked into the guild building dressed in his shabby pirate disguise.

He led Shayley and her family inside and they were greeted by four dravenkin dressed like butlers, Tiki, the two new girls, and Wendy.

"Welcome home master." They said together.

"Huh?" Cal cocked an eyebrow.

"What is the meaning of this?" Steinman asked as he took in the sight of his best warriors dressed as servants.

"Due to the nature of guilds, Adventuring and fighting are not the only necessary skills needed for being successful. One must also learn a variety of skills and since our café is short staffed it is up to the new recruits to partake in helping run the guild in any way deemed fit by its master."

Wendy's collected voice sent shivers down the spines of the staff.

"Cal who is this woman?" Steinman demanded.

He went pale when he turned to look at the pirate and found Cal dressed as a butler. He also found his daughter hiding her face as perverted blood dripped from her nose.

"She's my assistant guild master, and it is as she says. Adventurers guilds have been dying out and we need more than one way to spread our name. That's the only way we'll get new members."

Cal finished his outfit by sliding on white gloves. "Wendy, I'm going to do some remodeling to go with our new theme."

"Oh, I got to see this," Ten'lo pulled up a chair.

"AH!" Cal scared Ten'lo with his sudden outburst, "Don't sit there.... AH! There either." Cal opened his menus and started rolling through the list with the buildings elementals and then got to work with a smug grin.

** ** **

"Cal worked our butts off, I never thought I could be so tired." Naomi moaned as she reclined on the couch after taking a nice long bath.

"For a good-for-nothing, he sure is capable when he needs to be." Yvette poured some medicinal ice tea into a couple of glasses.

"You give him too much credit, Evie."

"And you don't give him enough, he saved your life. You know that right?"

"Yeah, yeah. I still never imagined that the Brother Calloway I knew was so whimsical."

"But isn't that why you fell in love with him all those years ago?"

"..." Naomi's face burned as Yvette handed her one of the glasses to drink.

"I'll admit that when he gets all manly like THAT, I can understand what you saw in him." Yvette teased when she sat next to her sister.

"He really is quite amazing!" Alea yawned as she stretched out on Yvette's lap. "But not as amazing as this lap." She purred.

"EEEEK! Alea! What are you doing her?" Yvette screamed as she jumped to her feet nearly spilling her drink.

Alea made a pouty face, she had taken off her hat, jacket, and boots. One thing her jacket covered was the backless side of her shirt which Yvette noticed was smooth and lean as the muscles rippled with every passively seductive movement.

"I was enjoying a cuddle." She sniffed her armpit and Yvette noticed the silky shine of sweat and grime. "Ugh, okay I do smell."

"How did she get in here?" Naomi asked and then noticed the open patio door.

"Do you mind if I borrow your bath after Cal's done?"

"What's wrong with your- wait what is Cal doing?" Yvette asked as the entire building began to shake.

Alea caught Yvette's glass as she dropped, and then took a sip as if completely oblivious of the shaking and Yvette's screaming as she lunged and grappled Alea in fear.

Naomi screamed and looked out the window to see the ground move further and further away. "Why are we shaking?"

Alea purred as she pet Yvette's head, "Mmm this is good, darling. I had no idea you had such a talent."


"Oh right, Cal's doing some remodeling." She peaked out the window, "it looks like he's adding a floor. I think he's making a loft for the restaurant."

As Yvette found herself screaming in fear with her arms wrapped around Alea she found herself oddly complacent if not satisfied. Alea's back was softer than she expected and even though she did smell, she couldn't bring herself to admit that it was entirely unpleasant.

Meanwhile, Naomi was too busy crying since she thought she was going to die.

** ** **

Cal sat on the roof of the guild.

It was another story taller, and now there were more members, but there weren't any more quests than there were before. At least no formal quests. He still found himself busier than he'd been in a long time, but the only thing the guild was even known for was its food and atmosphere.

Bringing Dravenkin in the city got some more bustle about the guild but at this point nobody took them seriously. He needed something big, something new.

As far as he knew, he was the only elemental summoner in the city who could do more than summon a handful of elementals. Which was disappointing when he thought about the vast population of elementals in the city.

He sighed under the moonlight as he scrolled through his menus, he decided to look at his own summoning list and all the sealed Elementals.

He could use most of them if he had too, but he couldn't guess the effects of the drain on the city. He guessed it wouldn't be too bad considering how he set everything up. At the end of the day it wouldn't do much but he went to his summoning options anyway to see if he got anything new in the level up.

Summon earth elemental

Summon fire elemental

Summon wind elemental

Summon water elemental

Summon new type <click for detail>

What! There was a new option. Cal click on it and scrolled through the options. He could create a new type of elemental.

He smiled, "It looks like we're going to be opening a new chair on the council."

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now