86. The Guildmaster's Oath

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Groveon walked through his garden-filled courtyard. He saw Treveon walking with a troubled expression. Stranger still, was the lack of his son Zoreon who followed him everywhere.

"Treveon, you looked troubled. Where is your brother Zoreon?" Groveon asked.

"I don't know who that is, Father. I have no brother by that name." Treveon swiftly left his father behind. He knew, deep in his heart that his father was the reason for Zoreon's betrayal. He tempted Zoreon's weak heart and ha was the reason he no longer had a brother.

Groveon frowned, there was no way they discovered his mole so easily this soon. But Zoreon, wasn't the smartest of his sons, only the easiest to manipulate.

Damn, he thought. I'll have to find a new pawn.

He continued toward his destination without another thought to his late son. Plotting all the way. He would have to tell his father, the head of the Sadeki house this before too long.

** ** **

Cal didn't come out of his office after the Sadeki brothers left. He tapped his foot on the ground in frustration. Sure, this was exactly what he was looking for, it dropped into his lap.

But he killed one of the City's children to do it. All of the brothers were born here. This was the only home they ever knew, he was their god. And he killed one of them who had know idea about who he was really fighting.

Vorn was one thing, but this troubled his heart.

He thought of Seamus. If they had met in different circumstances he would have killed the zealot cabin bit. But Zoreon was different, he aimed to betray his own brothers for gain.

But that was no excuse, was it?

Torture, murder, are these parts of the man he wanted to be?

"I watch over this City of Perils with all my heart and protect its people knowing the sins I will have to commit in order to keep them safe. May my right hand be stained with blood for peace so that children will not cry at night, and may my left continually reach out in love and service. I will never forget my duty as I walk in the shadows and live in the light. For the city and her children, Perilous be their name, and death to those who challenge our guardians." Cal whispered the oath.

"So stupid." Loreon was ready to leave this world after babbling this like it meant something.

"I watch over these people with all my heart and protect those I love knowing the sins I have to commit to keep them safe. May my right hand be stained with the blood of my enemies, for the sake of our peace, so that my children will not cry or scream at night. May my left continually defy my baser nature by holding my family, and reaching out to those in need. I will forge my duty as I walk the paths of evil in the hopes of living in the light. For my people and my children, lost be their names, and death to those who challenge me." Cal rubbed his hands through his hair.

"That was beautiful." Wendy opened the door.

"Hey Wendy, it was... nothing. How can I help you?"

"When three men walked in and only two walked out I figured, you could use some tea." Wendy came in the room with a tea set on a platter.

"I think I could really use some right about now." Cal leaned back in his chair and rubbed his hands over his face.

"Was that a new oath, or your personal one?"

"Ha, it was nothing. I'm just pondering."

"Pondering isn't a word you use often." Wendy began prepping the tea in front of him.

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now