12. The monuments of a great one.

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"Princess!" Fauna burst into the royal bedchamber early the morning after the Princess's mysterious encounter.

Fauna was one of the six Sylvan knights. She looked more like a princess than Shayley ever did. With the lithe figure of an elf without losing any curves her skin was milky white against her black leather armor. Her pointed ears broke the river that was her silver hair. She was at the top of the chain of command when it came to the city and royal guard which meant that nothing got past her.

"Fauna, what is it?" Shayley rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes.

"Someone has erected a statue in front of the east gate overnight."


"It's about Brother Calloway."

Shayley jumped out of bed.

It didn't take them long to get from the palace to the east gate thanks to the Princess's rush.

There was a crowd around the statue, but it parted for the Princess and her sylvan knights.

The Statue was 6 meters tall and contained four figures. One was an Elf in low level druid gear, he had a staff and with one hand pulled back his cowl just enough to get good look at the three elves standing over him in high level adventures gear. They were wrapped in a gust of wind that blew north. It was easy to put together that the Druid was meant to be Brother Calloway while they three figures were the Elves that asked him to join the Elves of the North Wind Guild. But the thing that got everyone's attention was that the faces of the three elves were painstakingly accurate and detailed but the druid's face was left as an unfinished egg shape with no features.

"What is the meaning of this! How dare someone disrespect Brother Calloway in such a manner. Guards destroy this statue!" One of the obnoxious dignitaries roared.

However, when the guards approached the statue, ghost warriors of the Einherjar emerged from the statue and stood in their way. The Einherjar Ghost spirits were the spirits of dead warrior that doubled as the familiars of the air elementals that guarded the outer wall from enemies. They only emerged when they felt threatened and they were always eager for battle.

"We have been tasked with this statues defense. Any who desire its removal or seek to do it harm will be treated as enemies." The Einherjar said to the guards.

Then a beautiful woman in a battle dress with white wings landed on top of the statue surrounded by a number of floating ethereal swords. A Valkyrie Air Elemental, one of the most dangerous of all elementals. Not for their unpatrolled speed or tenacity in battle, but for their pure bloodlust for war.

Her foot lightly touched the staff of one of the three larger elf statues and stared down the guards. "You have been warned."

A murmur went through the crowd and the guards stepped back.

The dignitary spoke up again. "We will find out who was behind this blasphemy!" the Dignitary's name was Groveon and his face was turning red at the Valkyries declaration.

"I can't wait to see your face when you do." The Valkyrie laughed.

Valkyries almost never showed themselves they were too dangerous to mingle in the large part since they were always egging on the soldiers on the wall to sparring matches. This Valkyrie's name was Anastasia, and she had a reputation for violence, she remained with the statue day and night as if daring the fools to try something. Because she was.

"Fauna." Shayley turned around to head back to the castle after having her fill of the statue.

"Yes, my lady."

"I want you to find out who made that statue."

"We will catch him and bring him to justice, I swear this to you."

"That much won't be necessary, I want to thank him." She smiled, amused that the pain in her ass finally had something else to worry about. Maybe he'd leave her alone for a while.


** ** **

While everyone gathered at the front gate more statues were discovered. One by one they rounded the city in a spiral telling Brother Calloway's true history. They were made from the past statues that aggrandized Calloway. By tearing down the old statues a picture was painted as to the true history of Calloway the Adventurer. With the statue in front of the gate there were a total of twelve statues or series of statues.

That day the people of the city of Pearl learned the story of the City of Peril and the Adventurer Calloway. Everything from meeting the princess to the age of raids. Statues were even made in tribute to the council of guardian elements and its members to the six sylvan knights.

When the princess made it around the city she found even the front of the castle had been changed. Where there had once been a grand statue of Brother Calloway there was now a new statue consisting of six variations of Calloway from Druid to priest as if he were moving. Starting with the druid crouching over his fist he seemed to be standing up and turned to look behind him at the castle, each phase opened his hand a little more to reveal a ring. The very last one held a silver ring, he was standing tall and looked at a brand new statue of Shayley. The last form of Calloway was dressed in the priest clothes that he proposed in. out of all the statues of him in the city this was the only one of him with a face. It looked at the princess with longing, love, and loneliness.

The statue of the princess did not look at the Calloway statue, instead it looked out over the city. Her left hand rested over her heart, in its grip was a lily made out of pearl and on her ring finger was a silver band. The princess wore a crown of holly and in her left hand was a spear that she held out resting the butt on the ground behind her. Her dress revealed the tattoos on her arms and one of her legs as it peeked out up to her thigh. She was proud, powerful, beautiful, and dignified.

Every single statue was guarded by an elemental or elemental race of the city. And neither Groveon nor his supporters could do anything about them as they shook the entire foundation of his movement. The statues painted Calloway in a very human and expressive light. It was the story of an elf who rose in the ranks of the guild and became guild master because he was the only member left. It showed him interacting with the residents of the city as it blossomed, and it showed him painstakingly creating the city. It even told of his affection for Shayley.

When Shayley saw the last set of statues of Calloway looking up to Shayley and Shayley looking over the city she finally lost the battle with her emotions. She retired to her room in order to not show her vulnerable joy and gratitude for the monuments to her beloved.

** ** **

Quest complete: Brother Calloway's Legacy is that of an adventurer and not a saint. With time the monuments will remind the youth how an adventurer can rise from nothing to achieve greatness.

"So master, you've brought the Warrior princess to tears without even speaking to her," Lucinda stood next to a shrouded Calloway. She was in her humanoid form, she now had the fair skin of an elf, a pretty face, and long blonde hair. "What do you plan to do next?"

"Now, we wait. My birthday is tomorrow after all. We have to make sure that they aren't going to do anything to Naomi in the meantime." Calloway's cloak fluttered behind him. The truth was that he was exhausted. Even with the help of a High Elemental creating that many statues had drained him. It was time for a nap.

New Quest: Attend Birthday Celebration.


"Ooo, don't mind if I do. I hope they have cake." Calloway smiled.

Quest requirements: Eat cake, chat up sylvan knights and the princess.

"The cake is not a lie! Yesh!"

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now