49. Tutorial is over and the Game is on

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A woman's voice came from the sky.

"My My My. Well aren't you interesting. Jasper, or should I also call you Cal?"

Cal turned to see a familiar woman dressed in white sitting on a rock with her overly sensual legs crossed.

"God Lady?"

"You can call me Kami, since we're handing out names."

It was nearly morning of the night when Cal had recruited Seamus, they were still in the forest while Cal crafted him an artifact that would change his appearance.

Seamus, formally known as the assassin Timid, threw ninja stars at the woman.

She caught each one of them as if they had been gently tossed to her.

"Don't throw things at God!"

Cal punched Seamus in the head.

"Ow, I thought you were god?"

"Cabin boy, I never said I was 'The' God."

Kami laughed.

"It's good to see you again. Seamus, I'm the one who sent Cal here. I wish I was here to chat, can you give me a moment with Calloway?"

God. Two gods, no one god and... A puff of smoke came out of Seamus's head, it seemed like he was overwhelmed.

"He's going to need a minute." Cal poked the unresponsive dark elf. "We overloaded him, didn't we?" Cal scratched his cheek.

Kami giggled. In one impossible hop she landed in front of Seamus. She poked his nose and he fell gently to the ground and began snoring lightly.

"He'll be fine when he wakes up."

"So Kami, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Daa da daaa! Congratulations, you've completed the Tutorial! It got kind of sketchy there when I was uploading your interface. You might remember the slight pressure you felt after falling out of that tree? Or when I refreshed your memory, as your soul finally anchored to this body last night."

"You were the one behind my head nearly splitting in two!"

"Well ya, I didn't want to break your mind, in this world you have incredible power. There was just a shit ton of information to upload, and a lot of fine tuning. Keep in mind I'm using terms that so that you can understand, but basically when you went to sleep last night it was like your install bar hit 100% and you pressed the shut down and update button. At this point the training wheels are off and you're on your own with the nitty gritty details."

"Kami, you're such a nerd. But I think I get it, even though it was a pain in the butt. Between having my head smashed in by a cleat and a nightmare of my death... you really are a piece of work."

"That's why I like you so much, you're full of surprises. There aren't many people that have the stones to call god a nerd. So how do you like it, your new body? You had quite the panic attack earlier but you seem fine now."

"Hmph," Cal flexed. "I've never had abs before so that's a new one. I also have so much energy, I guess this is what it feels like to be a cheat character."

"That's one way to put it. At least you're pretty stable now. Don't forget that you're one of the wild cards in this world."

"One of them?"

God winked. "Oops maybe I said too much. Switching topic's a bit, don't worry about Seamus betraying you. He's a good kid, Ophelia too, I'm glad she finally has a home, take good care of her."

"Did you send her to me?"

Kami winked. "You're a wild card, and not just because you're a wild card. I'm going to have fun watching you, I'd tell you to put on a good show, but I knowing you I don't even have to ask."

"So what's next."

"That's up to you Jasp- oops I mean God of Death." She snickered.

"That was just as story for the kid..."

"You have to be more honest, and not just with yourself. You've done good, but you're going to burn yourself out if you keep doing things out of guilt."

"Guilt, huh? I guess you are right."

Kami flicked his nose. "Of course, I'm right, I'm God."

Cal rubbed his nose.

"Do you think they'll hate me if they know the truth about where I'm from?"

Kami saw the dark shadow over Cal's eyes, and sighed.

"I think they would like it if you trusted them enough to tell them the whole truth. Start with one person you trust."

"But if Shayley learns the truth and she rejects me..."

Kami put a soft hand on his cheek.

"I know you're coming from a complicated place, Jasper. So you need to forget about the past while looking toward the future and ask yourself some basic questions."


"First, who do you want to be? And I'm not talking about picking between being Cal or Jasper." She moved her hand to his chest. "Who do you want to be in here? Let that define who you become. Once you figure that out, figure out who is going to help you become that person and wrap your arms around them and never ever let go."

"... Shayley..."

"Don't hold yourself back anymore, my child. This is no fiction." She pressed her forehead against his. "I may be a little biased, but I'd say she deserves to know the truth first. Have some faith in the woman you love."

She removed her forehead and brushed his hair like a mother would to her son.

"I may have been hasty when I threw you into this world of strife, because you'll feel some of the greatest pains you've ever fell. But I did it, because here you have the greatest chance for happiness if you follow your heart. You're an Elf now, that means that you are going to be around for a while. Make it count and surround yourself with people who make you happy."

Cal sniffed.

"Dang it Kami, you're going to make me cry."

"Good," she smiled. "I've got to go soon, ruler of heaven and all that jazz. Now don't ever forget what I told you last time." She winked.

""Don't be a Douchebag, Mmkay.""

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now