76. Date with a princess

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[Days to Ragnarok]

[1 month] [2 days]

Shayley stirred as the sun crested over the horizon.

She had a date with Cal today. She rolled on her back and let out a blissful sighed. Wondering what they were going to do, she began wondering what she was going to wear.

She sat up on the bed stiff as a board.

"I don't know what to wear!" She'd never actually been on a date before. She put on something to cover her legs that might have matched her nightie and ran to the Sylvan knight's quarters. She knocked on each of their doors in a mad panic but nobody answered.

Where they already gone? Who knew where they would be going if they weren't here.

The last door was Clera's.

"Clera, please answer. You're my last hope!" She cried as she banged on the door.

Just as Shayley was about to give up, the door opened.

"You're too loud princess," Sinder yawned.

Shayley dove into her, "oh thank Gaia. I thought I was going to be on my own." She looked into the room and everyone stirred in a hungover daze, except for Flamel who was pouring cups of water for everyone.

"Greetings, princess. What may I help you with? Please excuse the state of things we had quite the night." Clera tried to straighten her clothes.

"You're all here, it's been a while since I've seen your gathered like this. Never mind that! I have a date and I have nothing to wear! Please help."

Everyone perked at that with a mad sparkle in their eyes.

** ** **

A finely crafted elven Carriage driven by two unicorns stopped in front of the Verdant Oathkeepers guild.

The display was extravagant enough to cause a crowd to gather. The princess hardly did anything so spectacular before the nobles established themselves. But now it was a more regular thing when she was forced to visit one of their homes. She'd sent an official notice that she'd be performing an inspection of the guild.

In front of the guild stood Cal and the rest of his guild except for Seamus. All of them were in their best clothes. Even Alea and Tiki had dressed up.

A posh elf butler opened the carriage.

The entire crowd held their breath. Normally these displays were far behind the noble's gates or directly in front of the castle.

At first the six Sylvan knights stepped out and stood between the carriage and the guild.

Cal began sweating, this was becoming a bigger deal than he planned on. But it became all worth it when the last person stepped out of the carriage.

An Audible gasp went through the crowd as a vision of beauty stepped out of the carriage.

For a long time Shayley found her huntress marks unseemly in front of the fair skinned nobles. Today she was wearing a dress that shouted elegance but was consider more risqué when compare to her usual formal attire. She wore no gloves or long stockings. Her dress only had one strap over her left shoulder (to hide a hickey left from the day before) and a long slit on either side of her dress showing off her legs. They were accentuated by her strappy heels that wound half-way up to her knee. Winding vine-like jewelry wrapped around her arms and neck to match.

Ophelia's eyes sparkled, "so pretty." She breathed.

Cal was somewhere between being irritated by the showy display, and in bliss as he tried to not visibly ogle the princess. It didn't work. Wendy had to clear her throat to break his trance.

"My lady Princess, it is an honor to have you grace our humble establishment." Cal stepped forward and bowed. His heart was in turmoil since this is not what he had in mind, but damn did she look good. "Your beauty is as stunning as ever, your highness."

"I've heard many good things about the food here since you remodeled, and thought it was about time I make a formal visit." Shayley's eyes said this was also too much for her.

"Then we shall do our best to serve the royal house and your knights if they wish to join." Cal gave the knights a scary smile similar to Clera's who seemed to be the only one unaffected.

"Please take good care of us Guildmaster." She held her hand out properly.

Cal took the hint and led her inside.

Once the doors were closed Cal's irritation was becoming more evident as he led Shayley up the stairs to the table they had set aside for them. He had another prepared for the Knights who were obviously getting a kick out of interrupting Cal and Shayley's date.

He whispered to Shayley, "this was their idea, wasn't it?"

Shayley looked like she wanted to bury herself in a hole. "They said it was the only way."

"I guess we better make the best of it, I'll get back at them later."

"Please do."

A cold chill went through the backs of the Knights.

"I think it's worth saying again," Cal pulled out Shayley's chair for her. "But you look stunning."

Shayley flushed from ear to ear. "You're very kind, Guildmaster."

Cal pulled out a chair for Ophelia, "don't you think the princess looks beautiful?"

Ophelia hopped on the chair with eyes of wonder. "Mo- I mean, the princess looks really pretty."

Shayley's heart melted at the little girl's words. "You look very pretty too."

Ophelia's entire being twinkled with star stuck pride.

"Actually, after we eat. Ophelia wanted to change and show the princess the results of her training." Cal said.

"You're going to watch, right?" Ophelia's eagerness was too cute for words as she bounced I'm her chair.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Ophelia's entire being shined again like she'd just been granted her wish from a magic genie.

As they ate, there were many times when Cal and Shayley flirted and the peanut galleries made an uproar. They were then treated to a reprimanding glare by each Cal and Shayley while Ophelia was just a happy sunflower as she sat between the two.

Cal eagerly watched whenever Ophelia stole the conversation and engaged with Shayley over her whimsical childlike observations, her favorite things, and stories about Cal. 

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