24. Mother Bear

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Shayley couldn't calm herself, her bare legs covered in huntress tattoo kicked excitedly at the air as she hugged her pillow. In the privacy of her room she could wear clothes that showed off her arms and legs without embarrassment.

When she hunted in the wild and they were also a form camouflage that activated with her killing intent. Normally she'd hunt half naked covered head to toe in dirt to hide her sent.

Now that she lived in a city around so many elves with unblemished fair skin she found her freckles and tattoos embarrassing to show in public.

She was originally part of a rare race of elf that followed different ideals about being in harmony with nature than the traditional high elves or dark elves. Although they didn't completely conflict with many of the beliefs of the nature pacifists, who lived a strict vegan diet and refrain from killing, they never really got along.

And although the dark elves who were normally considered to be profane for their particular uses of magic and consumption of meat, Shayley's race believed in the moderation of both beliefs. In an eat or get eaten environment the Dravenkin, as they were called, cultivated many talents for survival in place unwelcoming to the gentle hand of the high elves or the brashness of the dark elves.

But now as the feral warrior queen living in the domesticated city of Pearls she felt largely out of place. Although she did hold some pride over taming it after Calloway left and learning her fair share of manners she was beginning to feel distanced from her roots. At least until Calloway challenged her to a duel, he was so strong!

Shayley kicked her legs again, he was good strong prey.

A feral growl built in her heart, after being docile for so long to engage in a fight where she had to push herself to her limits. And then tonight when Ophelia called her mommy and he didn't correct her.

Then he held her hand, and kissed her, and called her the woman he loved! And- and then when he was so manly and scary when he said Ophelia wasn't a cursed child! Just thinking about the frightening pressure had a physical effect on her body.


Shayley covered her mouth the stop her accidental purring growl. She kicked her legs in excitement again.

Calloway was every bit the marvel she remembered and more. She only had on a pair of boy short and what resembled a tank top but even those felt like too much while thinking about having her Calloway back.

She rolled around on her bed swooning. When a knock came at the door.

"Come in!" Shayley chirped.

"I heard you were in a good mood but I had to see it for myself." Sinder waltz in, she had a mature mischievousness to her. She was the Sylvan Knight of fire, she was responsible for the fire oriented beings in the city and led their warriors in battle when they came up. Since the city was so peaceful she normally found her days lazily gossiping with Silvia and the Fire high elemental Diana.

With the Princess's patio doors open she didn't shiver at the breeze, even though her attire wasn't that much more modest the Princess's. Sinder closed the door behind her and hopped in the bed with the princess, as was their custom whenever they traded gossip.

Shayley bit her lip.

"Girl, you are as red as your hair! I heard some from Vee and Clera, but you have to tell me the dirty details now." Sinder was as enamored with gossip as Silva, who she called Vee to hide Silvia's secret duties. She straightened her face, "did he touch your butt?"

Shayley's downcast eyes let off more of her disappointment than she planned with her, "nooo... and considering our skill level it's not like I could 'accidently' knock him over to get an accidental grope either."

Sinder shoved her playfully, "you dirty skank! So, what did he do?"

Shayley did her best to explain what had happened but there were a few times that she blushed so deep that Sinder couldn't help but tease her.

"I don't know girl, it's been so long since he's been around. With his attitude, do you really think he's just going to come after you and ask you on a date?" Sinder was worried about her friend getting her heart broken. She had been really weird since Calloway came back, she had bouts of depression from the canceled engagement and manic rays of sunshine whenever the gossiped about him.

"Oh Sin, that's where we differ. I had forgotten it since I've been away for so long, but amongst the Dravenkin, we hunt our lovers. And Calloway is my prey." Her green cat eyes glowed a faint light as her excitement built over seeing Calloway more often.

Sinder noticed something out side of the window, "What's that?"

Shayley sat up enough to see that there were going rings of magic appearing and disappearing in the air somewhere in the distance. "Those are-" her voice caught in her throat as she realized what direction they were coming from. "- wide area healing magics."

She dashed out to her balcony.

"They're coming from Cal's guild building!" there was only one reason to use area effect spells like that and that was to heal a large group of allies that were under attack.

Someone was hurting her family.

Even though there was no binding commitment between her and Calloway and she had no blood relation to Ophelia she still considered them her direct family. It was her right since she'd claimed them, even if they didn't know that yet.

Someone was in terrible danger, they were endangering the prey of a Dravenkin huntress. This time Shayley did growl, her tattoos were activated by her bloodlust.

[Huntress tattoo's] Bloodlust has unleashed the potential your ancestors left you though your tattoos.

Health increased by 200%

Dexterity increased by 200%

Intelligence decreased by 300%

Wisdom increase by 250%

The Dravenkin understand the true nature of a beast's rage, it is a terrifying and magnificent sight to behold and when that nature is channeled it can be as decisive as a well-placed arrow or as destructive as a tempest.

Motherly instincts unlock [Mother Bear] by fretting over child's safety, whether blood related or not, your affection toward a child who you have claimed as your own has unlocked this powerful skill.

[Mother Bear] activated ability. Costs 500 mp per second.

Increased stamina recovery by 1000 sp per second

Increases maximum health by 50%

Shayley's monstrous power just exponentially grew more than two-fold. Without a second thought she leapt from her seven story balcony and made her way to her lover's side to defend her family. 

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora