92. The Final Act: A Guild of Passionate Misfits

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"Guildmaster, explain your reasoning. This is an order from your princess, as this is a delicate matter." Shayley gave him a sharp glare.

Cal sighed. "Yes, my princess. You see being an adventurer isn't a station, I will not force anyone to join with no sense of adventure, nor is my guild a place for those with no desire to explore their potential. Although increasing the power of my guild sounds like it should be common sense. The outcasts, the forgotten, the cast out, and the shamed. Character is what I desire."

Cal rested his hand on his hip, and began counting off on his fingers as he spoke.

"An outcast, who stood for her beliefs even as they clashed with the city's.

A forgotten soul, who found new life in safe guarding a special friend.

A couple of tragic orphans cursed for their gifts.

Defeated savages, who have found a new passion for waiting tables.

Two wanderers who have never given up on their dreams.

And a stern woman who only wants what's best for her family that has found joy in corralling a bunch of sloppy fools.

Every one of them has an ember of unbridled passion. I'll take a spark who wants to be a roaring flame over a polished sword who only has eyes for protecting his leader, every day."

Cal ignored the shocked faces in the room. "Let me ask you this big'un, does your heart yearn for the reaches of the vast starry sky, to ride the winds of change, or to seek the mysteries of the unknown?"

A long moment passed before Big'un, the newly nicknamed Arachne warrior, spoke but his answer fit what was expected.

"My only desire is to do all in my power to protect both my brood, and my princess."

Cal crossed his arms, and shook his head. "Then I refuse to be an accomplice in robbing you of your dream. You're a soldier, not an adventurer. Remain by your precious one, my guild has no place for you. Truth be told, Alice is a better candidate than you."

Saltif's eyes grew wide, "You would accept, Mistress Alice? Princess, would this suffice in place of our strongest?"

"Wait, wait. I wasn't making suggestions I was-"

Alice cut off Cal, "Guildmaster, can you really make me strong?"

"I never said I couldn't, but being an adventurer is dangerous just the other day-" Cal panicked.

"If our brood mother became as strong as the guilds of old, it would mean we wouldn't face extinction anymore." Saltif expressed enough joy that she began to cry.

"Now just hold on! Aren't the risks too great for your princess!"

"Are you saying that with all your strength, you won't be able to protect her?" Saltif asked.

"I'm saying I won't protect her anymore than I would the rest of my guild. We grow stronger by scrapping our knees and facing challenges nobody has seen before. Each one grows on their own, driven by their own passion! We live and die by that passion. It is not a place to coddle nobility."

"Do not think you know us so well, guildmaster." Big'un spoke. "Alice has braved many trials and has faced death's door on a regular basis. She is not a noble who needs to be coddled she is a stone who needs a furnace."

"Princess!" Cal looked at Shayley for help but was answered by the timid voice of Alice.

"Guildmaster... " Alice clutched her hands to her chest. "... I have lived in the forest all my life. I have fought enemies as scary as the Dravenkin, just for food... But one time, I found a cliff... and beyond it was a great water so large I could not see the other side. And above me were lights that shined like the sun through the leaves at the top of the trees. Every chance I get, I walk to the cliff and stare at the great water. I have always wondered since that day, is there more than just this forest home?"

Cal's heart smiled and plummeted at the same time.

Shayley looked at him. "It's sounds like she's got the heart of an Adventurer. Would you discriminate against her race or rank?"

Cal sighed, she got him there. "I won't be held responsible for the political ramifications. And she'll be treated no different than any other member."

"Then that means...?" Alice looked up at his with her bright purple eyes.

"You're in, don't let me down." Cal shrugged. Then he flashed he a grin.

Shayley smiled. "Now that that is taken care of, I formally accept your vow of fealty. I look forward to watching the growth of the Silversilk brood within our city."

"Thank you, your majesty." Saltif bowed her head. "As tribute we have brought some of our finest silks. As well as the fangs of a dragon who wandered too far into our territory. Please accept them and the efforts of our finest craftsmen."

"Your tribute is accepted, welcome to the family." Shayley smiled, and once again the elves and driders danced as they passed over their tribute.

Shayley moved on to the next group.

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now