54. The love of a good Huntress

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"You're telling me that your real name is Jasper, and that when you proposed to me, you had no intentions of marrying me because you are from a different world? Then you died and god reincarnated you in this world 250 years after you left?" Shayley tapped her foot.

It was nearly morning, Cal had just spent all night telling her the whole truth and until now she just sat and listened.

They were in her bedroom of all places. He told her that he had somethings that he wanted to confess and by the serious way he said it, she guessed he didn't come to proclaim his undying love. She put on a robe and was surprised when he did. He also told her a lot more than she ever hoped to know.

"I'm a fraud and a liar. Shayley, I want to protect this city but I can't lie to you anymore. I'm sorry." Cal couldn't read her, she just stood there taking everything in stride.

"Well then, there is only one thing left to do, but before that."


Time stopped, he saw this coming. It was his worst fear. She was now rejecting him.

"That is for lying." Then she came around with the back of her hand to slap his other cheek.


"That is for Proposing with no intention to follow through."

"I deserved that, I only ask that-"

"I'm not done yet!"


She punched him right in the nose knocking him back onto the ground. When he tried to get up she straddled him. Then she grabbed his shirt and pulled him up just enough so that she could head butt him into the floor.


"And that was for calling off our engagement. Gaia, that felt good!" She didn't get off of him, instead she wiped away some of the blood from his lip and licked it from her finger.


"There is something that I know that you don't."

Cal tiled his head, he had the strangest sense of déjà vu.

"Dravenkin females don't accept proposals." Her canines grew responding to the first step of a certain rite. "We mark our partners and hunt them until they become our mates. And the stronger, the better." Shayley's green cat eyes glowed and she sank her teeth into the space between Cal's neck and shoulder.

"ARGH!" Cal, even with all his strength couldn't push her off him.

When she finally released him, his chest over his heart burned. He ripped open his shirt just enough to see a tribal mark the same color as Shayley's huntress tattoo.

"You've just been marked, get ready to be hunted."

Cal couldn't process what was going on, he thought for sure this was going to be the end of everything. He was sure that she was going to hate him.


"Silly prey, haven't I already told you why?"

She helped him to his feet and led him to a couch.

When she realized that he still didn't get it she sighed and explained.

"You taught me how to be happy."

Cal panicked he opened up her detailed character bio. He turned it to her so that she could see it this time as he scrolled through it.

Shayley didn't gasp when she saw it, she'd actually seen it many times as she followed Calloway around the city. She hadn't seen him open any since he'd been back. There must have been some new spell that only allowed her to see it because he let her.

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