61. The Sky Pirates

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The Earth clan leaders from Fina to Dahlia had a somewhat reversed maturity hierarchy.

Even though Dahlia was the lowest among the three in terms of authority she was the most mature having the disposition of an experienced mother. Lucinda could be counted upon in crisis's, but was the most emotional giving her the disposition of the eldest sister. Although Fina was normally carefree and impulsive, she was easily discouraged, due to this she was often spoiled by the other two like she was the youngest sister.

It wasn't surprising when Lucinda gave the same welcome to each of the lightning clan.

It was the reason Cal had brought so much tea, he even pulled some pastries out of his inventory for the rest to enjoy.


"Shall we get down to business." Cal clapped his hands.

Lucinda cleared her throat, "my apologies, please let's continue."

While Lucinda was having her moments, Fina filled Cal in with a more complete status update. It seemed everything was going according to schedule.

"The Lightning clan will usher in a new age of technology and warfare with the aid of the Earth clan. Shall we meet your new vessels."

Cal led them to the first two ships, they were of similar sizes.

"Tesla, Siegfried, despite their smaller sizes these are called Destroyers they are the most nimble of the lot. They are fast and need the most capable of captains. Tesla this is Wardenclyffe, Siegfried this is Fafnir. Each is your new partner, lovingly crafted through the combined effort of each branch of the Earth clan. Love them, cherish them, know them inside and out."

Their eyes glittered, Tesla made a great leap and squealed while fondling any inch of the ship she could get her hands on. Siegfried walked up to Fafnir, he pressed his hand against it.

"He has a mighty spirit, yes. It will be my honor to tame this divine beast." Siegfried looked very pleased.

They moved to the next biggest one, it had noticeably more firepower than the other two.

"Joltiana this is the Battlecruiser, Renegade. She is a free spirit with the most fire power out of all of the ships here, it will be your job to lead any assault. Only the wisest can wield this monster without letting its power get the better of them. I trust you with this responsibility."

"My my my, the free spirited and powerful Renegade." With her hands on her hips she leaned back to look up at the massive vessel. "I think we're going to get along!" She laughed.

Finally, they approached the last of the vessels, it was the largest by far. It was nearly twice the size of Renegade and had the least finished appearance.

"And finally-" Cal started.

"It's mine!"

"No, it's mine!"

"Stop it!" Cal chopped both Zeus and Odin on the head. "Do you see another ship! This is both of yours! You pair of dunces! See those holes, unlike the rest of our cast both of you will play a major role in building this thing, hard labor. And if your crash it, I'll leave Wendy in charge of your punishment."

Zeus and Odin lost all color, even Cal at his darkest wasn't as scary as Wendy could be. The horror story of the Dravenkin's 'discipline' had gotten around.

"This is to be the mighty Carrier is known as Haven, it is slower than the destroyers and will never match the firepower of the Renegade. However, you could say every other vessel is only a supporting role to the Haven. Fina will let you know the specifics, but the Haven will change the tides of battle. An innumerable amount of lives will be on your shoulders. You will have to be in perfect Sync, have your squabbles, but on the battlefield you will need to put all that aside. Only the most powerful can steer this Behemoth and in doing so change the very fate of entire nations. Don't screw it up."

Cal picked both of them up by their collars like puppies and faced the Earth clan leaders.

"Make sure you work these two to their bones, I can guarantee even their bones can keep up with whatever you have for them after that. Now get to work you two, we are still on a schedule."

""Yes Master."" The dejected boys were resigned to their fate of hard labor.

Dahlia received them and carried them like troublesome pups. "I know just where to start you two."

Shayley and Cal were left alone to admire the giant vessels.

Shayley held Cal's hand and asked him a question.

"You have an the earthen army, the coastal navy, the Valkyrie air force, the Phoenix specialists, and the druid irregulars, what are you going to call these new ones?"

Cal smiled proudly, "there is only one name fitting this group of misfits, Shayley, let me be the first to introduce you to the Sky Pirates!"

Shayley giggled. "You're such a dork."

"Just a dork?"

"Just my favorite dork." Shayley squeezed his hand, she'd gotten more playful since she'd marked him.

For Cal it was a welcome change from the silent doll that had followed him around for so long.

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