10. My life for your secret, an even trade.

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"So that's how it is? You just arrived in the city today and happened to run into that girl Naomi. You got her caught and now you want to know her crime. Is that right?" Silvia sipped her tea. At the same time, the momentary crease in her brow revealed her irritation. Cal's charm made it easy to drop her guard and now she was jealous that Calico was getting all the affection.

"Yep that's the gist of it. So soft..." Calloway buried his face in Calico's fur. "... and I'm fully prepared to pay for the information. Tit for tat and all that."

"I don't take gold or silver as you can see I have plenty." Her eyes narrowed mischievously.

"I have a particularly juicy secret, but as soon as I tell you, you must promise not to reveal until I give express permission."

"Interesting, and what might that be?"

"My true identity, I mean that's that mystery you really want answered isn't it."

"Hmm, what a tasty secret. But is it really worth the kind of information you're asking for I wonder? Especially with those conditions."

"Maybe I should make it's tastiness a little more palpable?"

"Please do."

"When I tell you, you'll know how I know you, Calico, Tiki, the other members of the council of the guardian elements, the princess and the sylvan knights, all on a first name basis."

"My my my. That has potential but its definitely something an information broker would know, are you an information broker?"

"Good guess, but no. just a good friend. Silvy."

"You'd have to be, there are only a few of my closest personal friends know that I'm a nine-tailed fox, and it hasn't been called the City of Perils since the migration. I think I'm interested so what do you want to know specifically?"

"Let's start with Naomi's crimes and punishments?

Naomi was classed as a heretic for repeated slander against the great one Brother Calloway. Calloway flinched when he found out about his role. He inquired about the great one known as Brother Calloway. He learned that the princess's fidelity to their engagement had survived the centuries, but not only that the peoples love for their princess also extended to her fiancé. Their original gratitude toward Calloway extended to princess and in a circle of affection, they reverenced Calloway as Brother Calloway since the last time they saw him he was in priest uniform. They also took his proposal to the princess to be a sign that he knew about the migration and as a promise that he would return one day to marry the princess. Because of this and the contributions to the city they lauded him as some kind of holy figure. And although the princess prevented any official church from forming, over time their hero worship crossed the line into real worship as many elves immigrated to the safety of the Pearly City.

Naomi's plight complete.

Reward 200 xp

New quest

Learn about Brother Calloway



"So this Brother Calloway is a pretty big deal, but at the same time you can't really blame Naomi. After all that lay about 'saint' did abandon the city and his poor fiancé."

"We just met, so I will give you a polite warning. Keep your negative comments about Brother Calloway and the Princess to yourself."

"Stifling." Calloway giggled. "Well I can understand the sentiment especially if the two are close to your heart."

"On that note, we have reached the zenith of our topics for the time. This leaves the matter of the payment for my silence."

"That's a reasonable request, I take it that there is something specific that you wish to know."

"Yes, I'd like to know how you made it into the castle, and how you solved my labyrinth so easily."

"Is that all? That's easy enough. Sergeant you may show yourself." Calloway held out a crystal, it glowed and a form appeared. Its face was shrouded by a cowl and its humanoid body was draped in armor. Surrounding the figure was a swirling luminescent cloud of dust. It was a Wraith class Earth elemental, the same kind that inhabited the majority of the buildings in the city. "This is Sarg from downtown, with him, walking through the walls unnoticed is a trivial matter. As for navigating the labyrinth, its easy because I've been here before."

"How is it even possible that you can create more mysteries simply by answering a few questions? Alright, what else do you want to know?"

"I want to know about the princess. Why has she been so loyal?"

"That's easy, she's in love."

"Riiiiight, and you, I assume you had some kind of relationship with this Brother Calloway fellow. If he came back what would you say to him?"

"Hmm... that's a good question." She paused and thought for a second. Then her face went emotionally somber. "That's a really personal question, you know."

"As soon as I tell you who I am, my life will be on the line, my life for your secret. It sounds more than reasonable to me?"

"How many people know your true identity?"

"Exactly two."

"Only two. Very well, I know that the man didn't propose to me, but if he had asked me I would have said yes just as fast. The Princess is one of my best friends and I'd never betray that. So I would tell him congratulations and to take care of Shayley."

"So you're in love with him too?"

"Yes, but not as much as Shayley. I don't know if I could have weathered the same trials as her. She's the type that will defy heaven and earth for her man, she's proven that time and time again. Truthfully, I admire her, she really deserves a saint like him. If he ever comes back." She avoided Calloway's gaze and sipped her tea.

"The two people that know my identity are a simple tavern owner and Sarge. Now, with you and Calico that will be four, I require Calico to be bond to the same secrecy as yourself."

She didn't look at him. "On my honor your secret shall be kept. On pain, death, and damnation, neither myself, Calico, or those in my power will disclose your secret." Her eyes glowed with ethereal light.

Quest: Learn about Brother Calloway completed

Reward: 500 xp

New quest: Do something to repair Calloway's Legacy.


"Very well," Calloway removed his hat and his dreads disappeared, he pulled off his eye patch and his scars disappeared. "I should probably say something cheezy like 'Gaze upon my Countenance' or something like that. But I guess a simple reintroduction would do, Hello Silvia Moonshine, I'm Calloway Calphius, Guild master of the Elves of the North Wind, fiancé to Princess Shayley, and self-declared Patron Saint of the City of Perils." He flashed her a charming smile.

"..." Silvia's tea cup shattered on ground.

Quest Accepted

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now