34. Father-in-law

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"So, a single elf took out my forward hunting party and my elite guard."

Steinman was the Dravenkin chief. At 10 feet tall, he was a monster even among the forest of monsters. At level 250 and with only the highest-level gear and tribe tattoos. With enough stats to one-shot a hydra with his bare hand he could go toe-to-toe with a King Giant Wyvern, in fact he had.

In a tent the size of a house, the Chief sat on a throne of furs with a single individual standing in a pile of his elite guard. Twenty individuals that were nearly as strong as him lay at the feet of the mysterious masked archdruid.

The Archdruid stood tapping his shoulder arrogantly, "It was easier than I thought it would be, sorry to say that your guards are better off than your hunting party."

"You have proven your strength outsider, it isn't in my nature speak to prey but you have proven yourself an equal of the tribe. So stranger do you wish to fight or talk?" the chief leaned forward with a violent eagerness.

"Easy pops," Cal twirled his cane around. "The only thing I want is your unconditional surrender." He sat on the pile of passed out warriors and crossed his legs as if he were at a business meeting.

The chief burst out laughing. "I like your style kid, you have some nerve speaking to me like that while sitting on my eldest son."

"Hm?" Cal looked at the elf that he was sitting on. He moved the long red dreads out of the way so he could see his face. "Ten'lo, no way man! Good to see ya!" He slapped him in a brotherly manner hard enough to make the elf almost twice his size groan in agony.

"Mmm, ok invader."

"Call me cal."

"Cal, just why in Gaia would I surrender to the likes of you, when I could just end you where you stand?" his muscles bulged as he reached for his battle axe. He lifted the one ton axe and brought it on top of Cal.

Cal caught the axe with his hand.

[Cal takes 194,529 damage]

Cal tried not to flinch even though the attack took 25% of his health with one blow. But Cal took the chance in hopes that his passive ability would activate.

[Passive ability, Aura of the Dread pirate. MAXED+1]

Chance of stunning enemies 25%

Lowers enemies accuracy by 30%

Lowers enemies damage by 30%

25% to inflict enemies with fear (enemies with drop weapons and run away from Dread Pirate)

20% chance to Inflicts paralysis for 10 seconds

[Chief Steinman stunned]

[Chief Steinman is afflicted with fear and drops weapon]

[Chief Steinman paralyzed]

[Dravenkin tribe feels the effects of the Aura of the Dread Pirate]

"H-how, these aren't the effects of a druid?" Steinman couldn't move.

"No, you're right they're not." Cal's own bloodlust sustained the effects on the chief and his people.


The ability allowed him a moment of exaggerated agility to jump and position himself behind the chief. With his cleaver equipped he tore open the chief's back.

He stuck his hand in the chief's blood and then wiped a bloody hand print on his mask.

[Pirates fury]

The Chief cried out in pain as if he were assaulted by dozens of cannonballs.

[Kraken's Grasp]

Black wispy tentacles came from the ground and restrained not only the chief but everyone in the tent.

Cal had been careful not to bring the girls in with him. He'd deal with the chief alone, meanwhile Alea and Tiki kept watch with the party from the fringes of the camp.

Cal's mp took a heavy hit with a 60% pull just to activate his abilities on this scale. His sp was now depleting just to maintain Kraken's grasp.

"I said I wanted your unconditional surrender. I didn't want to have to subjugate your clan. I assume you know what that would mean."

"You're a Dread Pirate. How dare you show your face in the forest. You curse the very ground you walk on with your power."


The chief choked on saltwater that came out of his mouth.

"Silence, far worse things are coming." He released the Chief from keelhaul.

Cough, "you've made your point cursed one. You have shown your dominance, the clan is yours, Alpha."

"I don't want to lead your clan, pops." Cal stood in front of the chief. "As the Guildmaster of the Verdant Oathkeepers, I wish to establish an alliance between the guild and the Dravenkin clan. In order to protect not only the city, but your daughter as well."


Cal loosened the spell around the chief.

The chief hated dread pirates. The last time he saw one his tribe was overwhelmed and then his beloved daughter was taken from him both body and heart.

"Yes, she doesn't know that I'm here to speak with you. As Guildmaster I am acting within my own power to protect the city that I love. Will you sit and listen to me?" Cal asked.

"Very well. But let's stop with the act Calloway Calphius."

Cal took off his mask and smiled. "Can't fool you, pops."

As soon as Cal released the spell he received a right hook to the jaw from the chief.

"That was for my daughter. Now we can talk. You may summon your war party I'll get some refreshments." The Chief reached to help Cal to his feet. 

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now