73. Contention in the ranks

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"I have my moments," Flamel held up her flask and shared a toast with Fauna. "What about you Sinder, I see you around almost as much as our resident shut-in here?" she pointed at Fina who just shrugged at the accusation.

Sinder laughed nervously, "ha ha so Clera what have you been up to?"

"Oh ho ho, our loose lipped gossip girl is deflecting at a most peculiar time, now I've got to know." Clera smiled knowingly.

"Oh Jeez look at the time, I'd better be going~ ha ha." Sinder stiffly tried to escape.

"HOLD IT!" Flamel grabbed the back of her shirt. "Just what are you hiding?"

"Best give up, Sin. Even if you make it to the door or window, Clera's got a barrier up so no one can leave unless she says so." Fina popped another chocolate in her mouth.

Sinder's shoulders drooped. "Fiiine." She sat back down on the bed. "Truth is, I asked you guys what you were working on because I was I wanted a little hope. But I haven't really gotten any..."

"Dear, what are you talking about?" Clera asked.

"I have my entire clan, 'cept a few for appearances, working around the clock on things I'm trying really hard not to think about." Sinder hugged her shoulders and looked away from them. "I know you're not too happy with him right now Fauna, but can't you say you're happy Calloway is back?"

"Sin, i-"

"It's a yes or no question, Faun."

Fauna sighed. "As much as I hate to admit it, I am glad he's back. He's dug up some of the worst in our city, but it's not just Shayley who I've caught smiling for no reason or humming down the street. It's like he's breathed a new life into our whole city. From the elementals to the new citizens, it's like our city has woken up from a long nap. Calloway might not see it as far as his guild request board is concerned, but the people have been stirred up. It's... nice." Fauna smiled shyly.

The room took a second to agree and add their observations. But there was an elephant in their room that they weren't addressing.

"But that's not the only thing he's doing, is it?" Sinder accused. "What were you just complaining about, Faun!"

"The nobles." She sighed as if ashamed that she hadn't really taken a look at the whole picture.

"Not just them, Calloway is making enemies left and right. Fights in the streets, demonstrations outside the city, new elementals, bringing Dravenkin in the city, threatening entire noble clans. How about we talk about how he enslaved an entire family of original residents, breaking one of them out the death sentence, and let's not mention how he personally adopted the infamously ostracized Cursed witch girl." Sinder struck a nerve.

"Now dear-"

"No, Clera. We need to talk about this, regardless of our personal feelings We Are the guardians of this city! The Sylvan Knights of legend! We've watched over this city for over two centuries while he's been away. He's making more enemies than he's making friends. Wouldn't it be better if he were gone and just left the city to us?" Sinder was not herself, her eyes were wild like she was trying to justify something she didn't believe in. "We were doing just fine without him and now he shows up and throws the peace we've worked so hard for out the window for some little girl's ravings."

Fauna reached out to her, "Sinder, this isn't like you, just what have you been working on?"

"Does it matter? Calloway's a monster-"


The sound shook the room to the knights very cores.

Clera rarely raised her voice, but this time she raised her hand against one of the people she held most dear.

"Sinder, you are out of line and I will not tolerate it. Give me an answer or grab a bottle and sulk in your room until you can." Clera reprimanded her. The calm seriousness of her voice hurt more than the slap.

Sinder had been wearing her mask well, a smile, a little make-up, and leading the conversation away from her. If she had done a better job she might have avoided this conversation all together. But she couldn't hide it, and by the look in Clera's eyes she hadn't been fooled for a second.

The bags under her eyes were deeper than Fina's, her frustration was greater than Fauna's, she had been crying more than Flamel, and she needed comfort more than Gisela. Sinder was carrying a heavy weight that blanketed her shoulders and her soul.

"We are your family Sinder, we are the only family we have. But I am only going to ask you one more time. What. Is. Wrong?"

Sinder turned her head. She grabbed a bottle and stepped off the bed. She hung her head while she walked to the door.

"Wait!" Flamel grabbed her hand but Sinder wouldn't look at her. She didn't need to. Flamel put slipped the flask into Sinder's trembling hand. "Take this, it helps."

Sinder stopped to stare at it. She dropped the wine bottle. It clattered and rolled on the ground.

With her free hand, she popped the top off the flask with her trembling fingers and brought it to her mouth. As soon as she tasted it she crumbled to her knees.

"I don't care! I don't give a fuck about the nobles or the people or whoever hates him. I don't want Cal to go away! I love the new life in the city! I like watching the wheels turn! I like it when the Princess smiles! I want to gossip about more than just stupid people obsessed with their sheltered city lives! I don't want any more children dead in our streets! I want to make a difference! But I never asked for this!" Sinder hugged herself. "It's so hard Cal, why. Why did you ask me to do this?"

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now