87. The Prodigal Son's Misfortune

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After a few minutes Cal finally stepped outside his office. There was a large commotion coming from outside when he did.

When he went to go check it out he two steps when a raw burning malice filled hatred came from behind him.

Cal turned around toward the stairwell and burst. He was laughing so hard he was crying.


"Shut up, Master you knew this was going to happen didn't you!"

Seamus stood there, shaking with anger while covered in dozens of different colored feathers.

Cal couldn't help himself, and dragged Seamus back into his office. He couldn't get enough of the sight. He couldn't embarrass the poor boy in public, but he still cramped up he was laughing so hard.


"Master this isn't funny, do you know what I had to put up with!"

"Hahahahah, oh come on, you had a bunch of cute girls crawling over you, it couldn't have been so bad. Hahaha!"

"They. Have. TALONS!" Seamus punctuated his point by lifting up he arm and showing that his clothes were in tatters.


"I knew it, you did send me knowing I'd be jumped like this!"

"HAHAHA ha ha, I had a hunch hahha ah ah ah but- but when they found out you'd be in the city, negotiations went a lot smoother right? Hahaha."

Seamus shook with fury and spoke through clenched teeth. "It was unanimous."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH haha ha ha ahah HAHA ha!"

"I can't believe this, I am a highly trained agent, not a male prostitute. Do you know how many times I was asked to help fertilize their EGGS!"


"Their polygamous, if I let my guard down for one second I'd have a dozen wives, and who knows how many egg children in one afternoon!"


Cal had gone from just hunching over to rolling on the couch. Then he fell of the couch and was rolling around on the floor.

"This isn't funny master!"

There was a knock at the door.


"It's Wendy, you've received an official summons for this evening."

"HAHAHAHA hah ha, come in. ha ha hahahah."

Wendy came in.


"Wendy, not you too!"

"Excuse me. Master, this is for you." Wendy handed Cal an envelope from the castle.

"Wendy, haaa haha hahahaha ha, can you haha, get cabin boy a change of ha aha clothes. hahahaha."

"Right away, master... pft."

"Wendy...." Seamus's esteem sank as he'd lost his only almost-ally, and felt utterly defeated as Cal tripped over himself a couple times trying to recover. He could even hear Wendy snickering beyond the door when she left.

** ** **

"I'm a married spud, I'm a married spud, I'm a married spud." Cal chanted.

He was wearing a charcoal and green accent naval jacket with matching hat dinner with a big feather.

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now