20. We're going to need a new door.

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Yvette, finished clearing off one of the tables and walked over to her mother. "That good for nothing guild master sure has been gone for a while. You don't think he's getting into any trouble, do you?"

"I don't know, I just hope that if he brings back more servants that they'll at least know how to wash dishes." Wendy sighed.


The door to the Guild was kicked open and Cal burst through with a Half-breed girl on his shoulders.

"Wendy! I've got good news, and better news!" He proudly exclaimed.

"And here we go." Yvette rolled her eyes.

The girl on Cal's shoulder, bowed down to whisper in his ear.

"But first, I'll need five of the daily specials!" Cal found his way to a nearby table laughing with the girl on his shoulders as he took elongated steps.

Wendy glided across the room and helped Cal take the half-breed of his shoulders. "Honestly, Master, I don't think that kidnapping cursed children is a good way to build the guild." She set Ophelia on one of the chairs and then straightened the Half-breeds clothes.

"Oh, Wendy, you worry too much. She's not cursed. She's an oracle. And I didn't kidnap her. I adopted her." He smiled and ruffled Ophelia's hair.

"This poor girl," Wendy rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I'll have a bath prepared so that she can clean off that filth once she's eaten. Naomi! When you're done cooking I need you to go prepare a bed for our new house guest and set aside some clean clothes!"

"There's another one?" Naomi's head peeked out of the kitchen.

Wendy left as she continued barking orders.

Cal and Ophelia just giggled at each other.

"-back all this time and he doesn't once visit me." Princess Shayley opened the door to the guild and was followed by two others. One was a full-bodied woman with long black hair with an even longer designer black dress that perfectly hugged all her curves. She was the very picture of a femme fatale. The second was a teenaged girl with purplish silver fox ears and long fluffy hair.

"Princess," Wendy bowed even while balancing four plates of food. "Please take a seat anywhere. I'll personally serve you in just a moment."

"No need, I'm looking for Naomi's master, that jackass pirate."

Even Wendy's unending calm was pushed to the test as she realized who she was looking for. She swallowed. "Master Cal is just over there." She motioned to the table where Cal stood.

His intention was to stand up and call Shayley over, but after he stood he was stunned by her divine beauty. Shayley and Wendy caught him drooling over the princess.

Shayley stormed over to Cal, meanwhile the two girls with the princess helped Wendy as they set the food on Cal's table.

"It's been a week, and I haven't heard from you once. And what is this that I hear about you surrounding yourself indulgently in beautiful women?" Shayley saw a small girl shrinking behind Cal's leg. "Who's that?"

"Papa, why is mommy so angry?" Ophelia asked.

Shayley's face turned from pinkish rage to a scarlet so red you could almost see the steam coming from her head. But that wasn't the worst of it, every head in the café turned to Cal and the princess.

Cal laughed nervously. "Shayley, this is my daughter, Ophelia."

"Y-you, have a daughter?" Shayley's head was spinning.

"Yes, she's an orphan so I'm taking her in, as of today, she's my daughter." Sweat beaded down Cal's spine. He had predicted that this would be awkward, but not this awkward.

"So, you didn't, you know?" Shayley played with her fingers nervously.

The buxom babe leaned over to the fox maiden and whispered, "This is the first time I've ever see her act like this."

"I know, they're so cute," the fox girl replied as they shared a giggle.

Cal and Shayley's faces glowed a fiery crimson.

"Master, how do you know the princess?" Wendy's head was also spinning, many people were familiar with the casual nature of the warrior princess since she visited the city often. But none were on a first name basis with her, not even some of the Sylvan knights referred to her so casually.

Cal laughed nervously again. "I guess the cat is out of the bag." He cleared his throat to regain his composure.

"Princess please sit down we have prepared something for your visit. Wendy, we are closed, collect everyone's bill and excuse them."

He pulled open his menu and clicked the elemental menu for the guild. He selected Ricardo since he had returned Lucinda to the castle after he finished construction of the guild. He clicked on the empty space between the guild and the tavern and clicked the close button.

He had left an auto command so that he wouldn't have to open the construction menu and trouble himself with the dimensions of the wall and other time consuming hassles.

The wall between the conjoined buildings slid up from the ground cutting them off from the busy tavern. Meanwhile, Wendy was ushering out the respective customers who all bowed to the queen as they left. At the same time Cal sat awkwardly with Shayley, Ophelia, and the two escorts. The two escorts beamed and giggled at the Princess's obvious shyness. 

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now