48. God of Death

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"I see you are finally willing to question Brother Calloway, as you should. But when all is said and done, once he took command of the city, the citizens were as safest they've ever been. He granted them power to defend themselves where once they were the subjects of massacre. And instead of fighting for glory on the front lines, he adopted supporter roles to heal and restore those guarding their city. Have you ever wondered why none of the original residents haven't joined the deists, and why they respect him so much?"

"Now that you mention it, the original residents have always been the most stubborn against our cause."

"Deep in the trenches of battle a special bond of brotherhood is formed. The true nature of a man is revealed. Remember that he was guildmaster engaged to a princess, not a king. He was a Cleric of Gaia, as well as a druid of the old ways, having never claimed godhood. He armed his citizens and helped them grow stronger while fighting beside them. He was a strategist, a shield brother, and a humble leader of the people. At the end of the day he was a just a man, well Elf. On top of that I never saw him ride a griffon once."

"... You also mentioned that he had two hidden classes."

"I never said they were hidden, I said he never revealed them to the city. But if I tell you what they were you'll just start shouting heathen again."

"So you won't tell me?"

"You wouldn't believe me even if I did, so there is no point." Cal poured himself a new cup of tea.

Cabin boy growled.

"Let's look at some facts, shall we? You called me a threat, and a heathen. However, when I came to this city I began a guild, I released a prisoner who was also called a heathen. She was an original resident of the guild fortress. So I protected someone who was a threat to a specific organization, someone who was touched by Brother Calloway himself, someone who knew his true character. I have also quickly gained the support of the princess, one who knew Calloway intimately. I took in an oracle branded a cursed child, a half-breed orphaned by assassination. Her parent's crime was arming and leveling up dryads alongside the guard. They died because innovation was frowned upon, especially if it claimed to improve Calloway's design. But anyone who knew Brother Calloway knew that he was always looking for ways to make his citizens stronger, tirelessly. I created monuments out of propaganda statues, ones that the elementals guard and the citizens revere. All those who remember him like my statues a lot more than they like that other garbage."

"That was you!"

"I conquered and established an alliance with the Dravenkin in defense of the city. I created a new Elemental type to aid in guarding the city by standing beside they others, and lastly, I announced that I'd be exorcising the cursed sea reestablishing trade with the Western Shore. Now answer me, am I a threat to the city or those who wish to control it from the shadows?"

Cabin boy was silent for a long time.

"In a past life there was a story about a good man. He healed the sick and preached love. He was a god descended to earth in mortal form. But the very church that professed to believe in him, illegally put him on trial and killed him in the most gruesome manner at their disposal."


"Because they had power and money, while they were blinded by it, and their fanaticis, they could not recognize their own God as he condemned them for their wickedness. He was inconvenient, so they had him disposed of."

"... those heathens."

"Aye, shortly thereafter the wicked city was razed to the ground by invaders. But the night preluding its destruction the true believers in the god escaped. It was an impregnable fortress and yet it was delivered into the hands of its enemies."

A shadow hid the boy's eyes. "Why are you telling me all this?"

"Simple isn't it, I find myself in a strangely similar situation. Having an assassin come for me, and called a heathen in my own city. Surely, you've figured it out by now, mister genius... Release him."

The Cabin boy's arms fell limply to his sides since they were no longer held by the ghosts.

"If I am any kind of god, Cabin boy. I am a god of death. I watch over this City of Perils with all my heart and protect its people knowing the sins I will have to commit in order to keep them safe. May my right hand be stained with blood for peace so that children will not cry at night, and may my left continually reach out in love and service. I will never forget my duty as I walk in the shadows and live in the light. For the city and her children, Perilous be their name, and death to those who challenge our guardians."

Cal took the boys hand and when he placed the poisoned arrow in it he kissed the feathers completing the rite.

"A god who writes such an oath is one that sheds blood as surely as the night falls upon the earth. If you wish to kill the god of death that wrote this oath..."

He placed the arrow over his heart until it drew blood.

"... Then all you need do is pierce my heart until I stop breathing. Then your mission to kill this threat will be complete. Otherwise, throw aside your shackling delusions and serve me a member of my guild, help me purge this city of those who threaten it, and stand by me as I raise it to new heights. The choice is yours, cabin boy."

The forest grew eerily silent as only the breathing of the two elves could be made out.



"My name... " the cabin boy dropped the arrow. "... It's Timid."

The boy sniffled. "Please forgive me Brother Calloway, if I had known I never would have struck you. Please grant me a quick death."

Cal snickered and ruffled the boy's hair. "Didn't you hear me, I'm asking you to join my guild." He lifted Timid's head and met his gaze.

Brother Calloway's smile and mercy was more magnificent than Timid had ever dared to hope.

"But first things first, we need to do something about your awful name and get you a disguise. How about a rebirth, Seamus? Curtesy of the God of Death."


Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now